192 Different Types of Flowers You Can Grow in your Garden

Ask anyone with a green thumb, and they will tell you that one of the best things about gardening is researching different flowers and plants to grow in your garden! However, sometimes you have no idea where to start. Should you incorporate annuals into your bedding scheme, what about flowering shrubs? Do they deserve a spot?

Not only that, but you will need to make sure the plants you choose go nicely with your garden style and the other plants around them! While this may all sound like a bit of a headache, any seasoned gardener will tell you that the research is well worth it to get the most out of your plants and to create a beautiful garden!

Below is a handy list of flower types that will brighten up any garden, plus a simple description so you can tell at a glance which plants will or won’t work in your outdoor space! It is important to note that many tropical perennials can be grown as annuals in colder climates with a little extra care and attention!

Let’s dive in these names of flowers:

list of flowers

Perennial Flowers

#1 Achimenes

Achimenes flowers are also known as hot water plants or nut-orchids. They are compact tropical plants with a slight weeping habit, making them perfect for hanging baskets or window boxes! Their beautiful flowers come in a wide range of colors and have a long bloom time. 

#2 Allium


Alliums or ornamental onions are most well-known for their spherical flower heads that are made up of many individual star-shaped blooms! However, they come in other interesting growing forms too! They are a great addition to any spring garden, plus their dried flower heads can be left to add fall interest or be brought indoors for decoration.

#3 Annual Vinca

Also called the Madagascar periwinkle, annual vinca flowers bloom from summer to fall and are fantastic plants for borders or containers! Their bright and cheerful blooms come in shades of white, pink, purple, or yellow. 

#4 Asters

Asters are popular daisy-like flowers that bring color into the garden from late summer well into the fall! They come in many colors including pink, blue, white, and purple, and have sunny yellow centers! Aster flowers are wonderful for bringing bees and butterflies into the garden!

#5 Avens

These flowers are brilliant in rock gardens or planted en-masse along borders. Their flowers resemble roses but come in vivid and bright shades of orange, red, yellow, purple, and pink! Avens are fantastic as cut flowers and will surely liven up any bouquet!

#6 Balloon Flower

The balloon flower gets its name from its unusual flower buds that puff up just like a balloon before “bursting” to reveal a star-shaped flower! They are a delightful shade of violet with several pink and white cultivars, plus double-flowered varieties.

#7 Blood Lily

Sometimes called the African blood lily, this unusual flower will certainly command attention in the garden! Their almost feathery-looking flower heads are globular and are made up of hundreds of densely packed, bright red blooms with golden yellow stamens! These are a great choice for pots in patio gardens, decks, and can even be grown indoors.

#8 Barrenwort

Barrenwort, commonly known as fairy wings or bishop’s cap, are delightful flowering plants that can be found in a number of different regions! These long-lived perennials love the shade and will bloom in mid-spring in a range of colors including white, red, orange, and more! Their flowers may last up to 6 weeks bringing glorious color into the garden all the way into the fall! 

#9 Basket of Gold

Basket of gold is a low-growing, mat-forming, plant with beautiful golden-yellow flowers! Blooms are produced en-masse and will bring incredible color into the garden. Plant them along pathways for edging or in raised beds where they will tumble gracefully to the ground!

#10 Bat-faced Cuphea

The bat-faced cuphea flower has been named because its flowers bear a striking resemblance to a bat’s face! Each bloom has a 1-inch long, deep purple calyx, accompanied by two upward-facing, red petals! It is a long bloomer which flowers from late spring until the frosts.

#11 Bat Flower

The bat flower is an incredible and exotic-looking plant that would be the talking point of any display! Although it may be a little challenging to grow, it is well worth the effort as this magnificent bat-like plant will bring a touch of the tropics into the garden. Choose between a purple-black or white variety!

#12 Bergenia

Bergenias are low-growing plants with tough, glossy, evergreen leaves, and are a fantastic choice for adding some woodland groundcover! They have loose clusters of bell-shaped flowers that sit on top of thick upright stems. Flower color ranges from pure white to shades of pink and purple-red. 

#13 Bird of Paradise

One of the most recognizable tropical flowers, the bird of paradise is a must-have in any tropical garden display! It has long oblong-shaped, blue-green leaves and extremely showy blooms. Their flowers are orange and blue and resemble the exotic bird after which this plant was named!

#14 Blackfoot Daisy

Blackfoot daisies have delightful honey-scented flowers that have broad white petals and sunshine yellow central discs! They have an extremely long blooming period from early spring all the way into fall. Plant them in rock gardens or meadow-style displays!

#15 Bleeding Heart

bleeding heart flowers

Bleeding hearts are wonderful plants that have delightful heart-shaped blooms! They love shady environments and are ideal for wooded areas. These flowers have a long vase life and will last up to two weeks once cut, making them an amazing addition to indoor bouquets!

#16 Bloodroot

Bloodroot flowers are colony-forming plants and are a top choice for woodland gardens! Their displays don’t last very long so enjoy their delicate white flowers while they are in bloom! These plants get their name from the dark orange-red sap which comes from their roots and stems.

#17 Blue Ginger

Blue ginger, although not a true ginger, has been named so because of its uncanny resemblance to ginger plants! Its foliage is glossy dark green and ginger-like and its blue-violet flowers are produced on spires. They make great additions to exotic and tropical gardens!

#18 Blue Vervain

Sometimes called blue verbena, this herbaceous perennial is a North American wildflower that is a source of food not just for pollinators, but for birds and rabbits too! It has long-lasting blue or blue-purple flowers that appear during the summer. Blue vervain is a well-known medicinal herb used to treat a variety of ailments!

#19 Boneset

Bonesets have small white flowers that grow in fuzzy-looking clusters. Their flowers are fragrant and make fantastic cut flowers, fresh or dried! Some say their name comes from their use historically as a folklore treatment for helping to set broken bones.

#20 Brunnera

Brunneras are native to woodland areas and are wonderful candidates for a shade garden! They have cheery, forget me not-like flowers that stand above their relatively large leaves! Some varieties and cultivars have pretty variegated leaves which makes them even more striking!

#21 Calendula

Often referred to as pot marigolds, calendula flowers are not marigolds at all! They bloom profusely with daisy-like flowers which are typically bright shades of yellow or orange, but may also be cream or pink! Calendulas are said to deter insects so are often used as natural pest control in vegetable gardens!

#22 Calla Lily

Calla lilies are well-known garden favorites that are prized for their unusual, upright, trumpet-shaped flowers! They thrive in boggy areas so are ideal for planting around pond edges. Their lovely flowers come in many shades including green! Calla lilies are popular cut flowers and can be grown indoors as houseplants too.

#23 Campanula

Campanulas or bell flowers are lovely plants for meadow-style gardens and have delicate bell-shaped blooms that come in shades of blue-purple, pink, and white! These plants are steeped in meaning and symbolism and the exact color of their flowers can change their meaning!

#24 Candytuft

Candytufts are low-lying plants that are ideal for edging pathways or borders! They will grace the garden year after year with masses of white or pink flowers that stand out against their dark green foliage! They will attract bees but beware, although they have the word candy in their name, their flowers do not have a sweet or pleasant aroma! 

#25 Cape Fuchsia

Cape fuchsias are fantastic for adding bold color into the garden from summer until fall! They have elongated funnel-shaped blooms that hang down gracefully and come in red, pink, orange, yellow, and shades in between. These are one of the best flowers for hummingbirds!

#26 Cardinal Flower

Cardinal flowers will certainly pack a punch in any garden with their densely packed flower spikes of brilliant crimson red blooms! They are a great choice for pond landscaping as they are highly tolerable of wet conditions and can be grown in up to 3 inches of standing water. There are also pink and white varieties!

#27 Cat Whiskers 

From a distance, cat whiskers plants may seem quite unassuming, but closer up they have beautiful and unusual flowers that grow on short tapered spikes. Colors range from white to light purple-pink with blooms appearing from late summer to fall. The most striking things about these plants are their long stamens that can be over 3 times as large as their flowers and look like a cat’s whiskers!

#28 Catchfly

Catchfly plants have been named so because their sticky stems and leaves are supposedly perfect for catching flies. Not that catchfly flowers actually do this! These plants are also well-known as campions and are cottage garden or meadow staples, with bold flowers that come in many colors.

#29 Chinese Lantern

These hardy perennials are clump-forming plants that are vigorous growers and may very well take over the garden! They bloom in midsummer producing small, white, or yellow flowers. Their real draw, however, is their decorative lantern-like seed pods and ripe orange fruit inside which will provide fall color!

#30 Chocolate Daisy

This may be hard to believe, but these daisies really do give off a chocolate aroma! These showy wildflowers have daisy-like blooms with yellow outer rays and maroon and green centers. In warmer climates, they bloom throughout the year, otherwise their displays last from spring through to fall. These plants are a must-have for any chocolate lover!

#31 Chrysanthemums

chrysanthemum anastasia white

Known affectionately as “mums”, these are rather iconic garden flowers and are hugely popular for bouquets or indoor displays! With hundreds of fantastic cultivars, chrysanthemums are great additions to any garden. No matter what style or color scheme, there’s a mum to match!

#32 Cigar Plant

Also called the Mexican cigar plant or firecracker plant, these compact subshrubs are perfect for bringing bright color into the garden! Grow them in containers and overwinter them indoors in cooler climates, otherwise, keep them outdoors all year long as annuals. They have long, tubular, red-orange flowers that are favorites of hummingbirds!

#33 Clivia

Clivias belong to the lily family and have thick, strap-like foliage and large showy flower heads. Their displays can last several weeks with flowers clustered together in groups of 12 to 20. Blooms are typically fiery orange, but yellow-colored cultivars exist and are hugely prized. 

#34 Columbine

Known affectionately as granny’s bonnet, columbines are a cottage-style garden staple that are easily recognized by their ornate, bell-shaped flowers said to look like a jester’s hat! Their blooms come in a range of shades and can have multiple colors!

#35 Common Beargrass

Common beargrass is a high-altitude wildflower found in parts of the Western United States. They can grow up to 5 feet high with grass-like leaves and long stalks that bare dense clusters of white flowers. True to their name, bears often use them when making their dens for the winter!

#36 Compass Plant

Compass plants are tall growers and are great for adding some height to borders. These plants are said to be named because the tips of their leaves point in the direction of north or south! Their blooms resemble sunflowers and are 3-4-inch across with sunshine yellow petals.

#37 Coneflower

Cornflowers are a part of the daisy family and will attract all sorts of pollinators into the yard! They bloom profusely and are named after their cone-like centers which set seed after the flowering season is over. Leave fading flowers in the garden as a source of seeds for birds such as goldfinches!

#38 Coral Bells

Coral bells have loose clusters of dainty bell-shaped flowers that come in delicate shades. However, their real draw is their showy foliage that come in all kinds of shades from bright red, maroon, bronze, and green. They work well in containers alongside other plants!

#39 Coreopsis

Coreopsis, also known as tickseed, has both annual and perennial varieties. They have bright, daisy-like flowers on thin stalks that bloom throughout the summer into fall. These are a great choice for filling in the border and are great for wildlife too! They produce round seeds that look like ticks which birds and other animals feed on. 

#40 Corydalis

Corydalis plants belong to the poppy family and are a group of over 300 species consisting of both annuals and perennials. Their flowers are long and tubular, coming in a range of lovely colors, including blue! These plants grow well in shady areas and are a perfect addition to a woodland garden!

#41 Costus

Costus plants are excellent additions to any tropical garden scheme and will be sure to give your space a jungle look! They have glossy green leaves that grow in a spiral around thick stems. Each stem produces a single exotic-looking cone that bears flowers. 

#42 Cow Parsnip

Cow parsnips are perennial plants belonging to the carrot and parsley family. They are tall growing plants with some species reaching 13 feet! Cow parsnips have broad clusters of little white flowers. Handle these plants with care as contact with the sap of some varieties is dangerous. 

#43 Cranesbill Geranium

Hardy or cranesbill geraniums are an extremely versatile group of plants that can suit just about any garden type! Some varieties prefer sunny borders whereas others will thrive in shady wooded areas. They have bright showy flowers that come in a wide selection of colors. 

#44 Culver’s Root

Culver’s or bowman’s root is a lovely prairie flower that is the ideal candidate for meadow or cottage-style gardens! It produces dainty little spikes of blue, white, or pink flowers. Blooms emerge in midsummer and are particular favorites of several types of bees. 

#45 Cup Plant

These sunny perennials have sunflower-like composite flowers with bright yellow petals! Blooms can grow as wide as 4 inches and have dark yellow central discs. Plant these for a splash of color over the summer months and to add height to borders.

#46 Daffodil

white pink daffodil

Daffodil flowers are native to Northern Europe and are hardy perennials that grow from bulbs. They are favorites for spring and their sunny yellow flowers are perfect for brightening up the garden! Traditional daffodils have 6 outer petals and a central trumpet-shaped crown. They are highly cultivated and varieties exist in shades of white, yellow, orange, and pink, plus double flowered types. 

#47 Dahlberg Daisy

The dahlberg daisy is a short-lived, spreading perennial, but it is often grown as an annual. It produces masses of brilliant yellow daisy-like flowers that rise above low-lying, feathery foliage. These plants are drought tolerant and are a top choice for rock gardens or as ground cover. 

#48 Datura

Daturas can either be short-lived perennials or annuals. They are easily recognized by their large trumpet-shaped flowers. Blooms can be white, yellow, purple, or pink, and are fragrant! Take care as while these plants are beautiful, they contain potent alkaloids and can be fatal if consumed.

#49 Deadnettle

Deadnettle is a fantastic option for a shade garden or the more covered areas of the garden. These easy-to-grow plants provide excellent ground cover and do well in containers too! Deadnettle flowers have a long blooming period from spring to fall with purple, pink, or white flowers and interesting foliage.

#50 Delphiniums

Delphiniums are extremely popular ornamentals and firm favorites for cottage-style or English gardens. They are typically perennials, however, some hybrid cultivars are best grown as annuals. Delphiniums have tall flower spikes adorned with single or double blooms in many delightful shades!

#51 Dianthus

Dianthus flowers are absolute must-haves in any cottage garden scheme! Also referred to as pinks, they have attractive blue-green foliage and delicate starry flowers with fringed edges that are produced en-masse. They come in many lovely shades and make great cut flowers!

#52 Dietes

Dietes flowers belong in the iris family and come from tropical and South Africa! They have sword-like green foliage and produce exotic-looking white or yellow flowers typical of the iris family. These plants are drought tolerant but perform extremely well when given a good watering!

#53 Dutchman’s Breeches

Dutchman’s breeches get their name because their flowers are said to look like upside-down pantaloons! However, they’re also sometimes called staggerweed or little blue staggers as they cause drunkenness when consumed by cattle. Their flowers are white or pink and hang from arching stems. Dutchman’s breeches are fantastic plants for woodland margins. 

#54 Evening Primrose

Evening primrose is a beautiful plant with large goblet-shaped bright yellow, pink, or white flowers. What makes evening primrose so interesting is that their lovely blooms are nocturnal and only open in the evening! These plants are also widely used in medicine, cosmetics, and as food. 

#55 Fairy Foxglove

This pretty little flower is a top choice for containers, rock gardens, or for filling the spaces in between paving stones! These plants are low-growing and produce masses of small, delicate, purple-pink flowers. 

#56 False Asters

False asters are native US wildflowers with a daisy-like appearance. Flowers are typically white with bright yellow centers but petals may sometimes be tinged with pink or purple. They are late bloomers producing masses of blooms from late summer until the frosts. 

#57 False Lily of The Valley

A wonderful choice for woodland gardens, the false lily of the valley has rich green, glossy, heart-shaped leaves and bears delightful clusters of up to 20 star-shaped, white blooms. They flower from late spring to early summer, before producing eye-catching scarlet berries in late summer.

#58 Foam Flower

Foam flowers are another shade garden favorite, producing masses of delicate, starry white or pink flowers that rise above the foliage on long, slender stalks. Their foliage is blue-green and provides a good amount of ground cover. 

#59 Four O’clocks

Four o’clocks are so named because their blossoms do not open until late in the day. They are tender perennials from the tropics and are also known as marvel-of-Peru. Flowers are trumpet-shaped, fragrant, and come in many bright, streaked, and sometimes mottled colors. 

#60 Fox and Cubs

Fox and cubs have bright orange dandelion-like flowers which are sometimes red or white. They were named after their open blooms (foxes) and their closed buds (cubs)! These plants look particularly lovely planted in large groups and will suit a variety of garden styles. 

#61 Foxtail Lilies

These eye-catching and showy plants have tall tapering spikes adorned with dense clusters of blooms. Their spikes have an almost fluffy appearance, hence the name foxtail lilies! Flowers are commonly golden orange, but pink, white, and yellow varieties exist too. 

#62 Fried Egg Plant

The fried egg plant or matilija poppy is a showy plant that will command attention in any space. It has beautiful blooms, but what makes them so special is that they resemble fried eggs! Flowers have soft tissue papery white petals and a spectacular, round, yolk-colored center.

#63 Gas Plants

Gas plants, dittany, or the burning bush, have racemes adorned with five-petaled white or pink flowers. Their leaves are dark green and glossy, and give off an aromatic, citrusy fragrance that can be lit on fire! Their beautiful flowers make them popular as ornamentals, but these plants secrete oil that may irritate the skin so take care when handling them. 

#64 Gaura

Gauras are native prairie plants that have delightful little starry pink or white blooms that sway in the breeze! They look lovely in cottage-style gardens or more natural-looking spaces, as well as in containers to brighten up patio or city gardens. 

#65 Gazanias

These bright and bold jewel-toned flowers are perfect for bringing glorious color to borders and container gardens! Often referred to as the treasure flower, gazanias have large, composite flower heads that may have a combination of vivid colors. 

#66 Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisies are the perfect choice to bring unbelievable color into beds and borders. Although they are perennials many gardeners grow them as annuals as these vivid blooms are too good to miss out on! They have many different colors and growing forms such as single, semi-double, fully double, and spider! 

#67 Globe Thistle

Globe thistles are whimsical little blooms that will look right at home in a cottage-style garden border! They are fast-growing with round, spiky-looking pom-pom flowers which are great for bringing wildlife into the garden! 

#68 Heliotrope

Heliotropes are perennial sub-shrubs found growing naturally in wooded areas. They have attractive clusters of little flowers that come in shades of purple, blue, and white. Blooms are fragrant with a subtle vanilla-almond scent!

#69 Hellebore

Hellebores are known to bloom in early spring at a similar time to the Christian practice of Lent. This, in combination with their rose-like flowers, means they are also commonly referred to as the lenten rose. They thrive in shade and come in a variety of rich and muted colors. 

#70 Himalayan Poppy

A truly stunning ornamental, the Himalayan poppy has spectacular blue flowers that will rival all other plants in the garden! They have a signature poppy flower form with brilliant blue petals and contrasting golden-yellow stamens. 

#71 Hollyhocks

hollyhock flowers

Hollyhocks are iconic cottage-style garden plants that produce tall spikes adorned with delicate, cup-shaped flowers. Some people consider these stately plants to be a little old-fashioned, but time and time again they prove themselves to be garden favorites!

#72 Hyacinth

These wonderful spring bulbs are a popular choice for bouquets due to their glorious scent! They look fantastic at the front of borders but are also easily grown in pots where their pastel shades can add some life to patios or balconies. 

#73 Impatiens

Impatiens are hugely popular plants that are prized for their brightly colored blooms that will light up even the darkest corners of the garden! Technically tropical perennials, impatiens are largely grown as annuals as they are normally found growing in USDA zones 10-12. 

#74 Indian Pink

A fantastic plant for attracting hummingbirds into the garden, Indian pinks, also known as pinkroot, have showy blooms that will emerge in mid-may. They have elongated, vivid scarlet flower buds that peel back to reveal a bright yellow starry flower!

#75 Inside-Out Flower

A bizarre yet beautiful plant, inside-out flowers are creeping perennials that are incredible for providing woodland cover! Their white or yellow flowers rise above the foliage on long stalks and hang down gracefully, but what makes them so interesting is that they almost look backward or inside out! 

#76 Ironweed

Ironweeds are fantastic specimens for meadow or wildflower gardens! They have an upright habit and produce clusters of disk flowers in white, pink, or purple. These plants will vigorously self-seed under optimum conditions, so be careful they don’t take over the whole garden!

#77 Jack-In-The-Pulpit

These North American woodland perennials have the most intriguing flowers! Their unusual blooms sit atop their own separate stalks and have a cylindrical shape with a curved hood. Their coloring is rather striking with dark purple and green stripes. 

#78 Jacob’s Ladder

Jacob’s ladder is a clump-forming plant that has loose clusters of cup-shaped flowers. Its fern-like foliage may be green or variegated! Grow them in coastal or cottage-style gardens, but be mindful that variegated varieties prefer shadier conditions. 

#79 Lady’s Mantle

A longtime favorite for traditional cottage-style gardens, lady’s mantle looks delightful in borders accompanied by other old-fashioned perennials. It has clouds of tiny greenish-yellow blooms that stand out against its rich green leaves. 

#80 Lamb’s Ear

This fast-spreading plant provides the most stunning groundcover with its silvery-gray, soft, velvety leaves! During summer it produces little purple-pink flowers on upright stems that grow above the foliage. Lamb’s ear has many cultivars, some with unique characteristics!

#81 Liatris

Brilliant for adding height and texture to borders, liatris plants, also known as colic root for their medicinal properties, have long spires of feathery, purple blooms. These plants are great for bringing pollinators into the area and make unique cut flowers!

#82 Lily

Lilies are bulbous perennials that are highly prized for their spectacular and showy blooms. Flowers are generally trumpet-shaped with six distinct petals, and come in many shades such as white, pink, yellow, orange, and red! Depending on the type, they bloom between early summer and fall. 

#83 Lily of The Valley

Lily of the valley is a top choice among gardeners for shade gardens! These perennials spread vigorously so are perfect for ground cover, but care should be taken so they don’t overtake the garden. Their flowers are delicate bells that hang in clusters from one side of its bare stalk. 

#84 Lobster Claw Plants

Lobster claw plants are one of the most popular ornamentals in the genus Heliconia and are arguably one of the most recognizable tropical flowers! They have showy, waxy, lobster claw-shaped bracts that hang down from a central stem and produce little flowers! The bracts are bright red with yellow tips.

#85 Lotus

Lotus plants are one of the most popular flowers to grow in ponds! They are considered sacred in both Hindu and Buddhist religions and their regal blooms are recognized worldwide. Their sweet-smelling flowers can grow as wide as 12 inches and sit on top of the surface of the water alongside their round leaves. 

#86 Lungwort

Lungwort is a low-growing spring bloomer that has wonderful pink flowers that age to blue-purple! Its funnel-shaped blooms grow in clusters and are extremely attractive to pollinators. 

#87 Lupine

Lupines are a staple of any cottage-style bedding scheme! They have tall tapered spikes of densely packed pea-like flowers in a wide variety of hues. These plants are wonderful for adding height to the border. 

#88 Marguerite Daisy

Marguerite daisies are excellent plants for adding a splash of color in both beds and containers! They have lovely daisy-form blooms that are white or pink with bright yellow centers. They are short-lived perennials but are often grown as annuals in colder climates. 

#89 Marshmallow Plant

Marshmallow plants get their name because their roots used to be used in the making of marshmallows! Their natural habitat is in coastal or marshy areas, so they are well-suited to coastal gardens. They have pale pink flowers on long stalks that emerge in the summer.

#90 Million Bells

Also known as calibrachoa, these delightful ornamentals are often mistaken for petunias. They grow extremely well in containers and look particularly impressive in hanging baskets. Their masses of funnel-shaped flowers come in many shades making them ideal for brightening up patios or city gardens. 

#91 Monkshood

Monkshood, or wolfsbane, are shade-loving perennials with unusual, showy, hood-shaped flowers. A few species are cultivated as both ornamentals and for their medicinal properties. However, it should be noted that all species are poisonous, so caution is advised. 

#92 Montauk Daisy

These sunny perennials also go by the name nippon daisy and have white outer rays and vivid yellow, domed central discs. Native to coastal areas of Japan, they are salt-tolerant and look breathtaking planted en-masse in coastal gardens! 

#93 Mountain Mint

Mountain mints are vigorous spreading plants that may try to take over the garden once well established! They are part of the mint family and have the signature mint aroma when their foliage is crushed. They have small white flowers that are grouped in tight clusters.

#94 Nasturtiums

Known for their vivid and vibrant flowers, these easy-to-grow perennials are also popular as annuals in colder climates! Not only are they beautiful ornamentals, but they are also great companion plants in the vegetable garden. Some varieties have a trailing habit and are considered to be vines. 

#95 Nemesia

Nemesias are short-lived perennial plants that have scented flowers that emerge from late spring through to fall. They come in a wide variety of colors such as white, pink, red, purple, blue, and orange, and may have light or dark contrasting centers. 

#96 Night Phlox

Night phlox are low-growing plants that are prized for their interesting white blooms and deep pink undersides. What makes them so unique is that they are nocturnal, so they only open during nighttime! When they bloom they also release a wonderful fragrance!

#97 Nolana

Nolanas, sometimes called the Chilean bell flower, have beautiful funnel-shaped flowers that come in a range of colors such as blue, purple, white, or pink, normally with contrasting eyes. They are well-suited to dry environments meaning they’re ideal for rock gardens!

#98 Obedient Plants

A great choice for container planting, these sun-loving perennials produce masses of showy flower spikes packed with pink or white flowers. Their delicate, papery blooms are a good source of nectar for bees and butterflies and have a long blooming period from late summer to fall!

#99 Orchid

Orchids are a huge group of over 25,000 species that are found worldwide in wet tropical regions. They have extremely exotic and showy flowers that come in many forms and colors! Grow them as eye-catching house plants in colder regions or as outdoors in warmer climates. 

#100 Ornamental Ginger

Although ginger is best known as a cooking spice, ornamental gingers have incredibly showy flowers and glossy green, tropical foliage! This group has all manner of weird and wonderful plants with distinctive-looking blooms. These are a must-have for any tropical display!

#101 Ox-Eye Sunflower

Ox-eye sunflowers are the perfect plant to grow in heavy, clay soils! They produce masses of golden yellow flowers with orange centers from early to mid-summer and look fantastic growing amongst other meadow garden plants!

#102 Oxlip

These charming little plants are normally found in wooded areas and are spring bloomers. Their pale yellow flowers have five petals and glow in informal clusters on one side of the stalk! 

#103 Painted Daisy

Painted daisies are the star of any cottage-style display and will bring bold color into the garden over spring and summer! They have a classic daisy flower form and come in vibrant shades of pink, red, white, yellow, and purple. 

#104 Pansy

One of the most-loved garden ornamentals, pansies have become a must-have for any container garden! They are prized for their bold ocean-faced blooms and are a staple in cooler regions due to their love of cooler temperatures. 

#105 Pasque Flower

Pasque flowers are one of the earliest perennials to appear in spring and are low-growing plants well suited for rock gardens! They tend to have vibrant purple or deep purple petals and masses of contrasting golden-yellow stamens. Cultivars exist in other shades such as maroon or white.

#106 Pearly Everlasting

Pearly everlasting flowers are extremely popular for dried flower arrangements and are often found in the wild growing in gravelly areas. Their white flowers have tightly arranged petals that form a globular or pearl shape! These were historically popular in American cottage gardens.

#107 Pentas

These sun-loving plants are wonderful for attracting all manner of pollinators into the garden! They have stunning clusters of star-shaped flowers that come in vibrant shades of red, white, purple, and pink! Grow them in containers on balconies for a splash of color! 

#108 Peonies

pink chinese peony

Peonies have breathtaking blooms that come in many wonderful forms and shades. They have a short blooming period of only 7-10 days, but that hasn’t stopped them from being one of the most well-loved garden ornamentals!

#109 Petunias

Petunias are highly popular plants that are the epitome of cottage-style gardens! Plant them in hanging baskets, containers, or en masse in beds or borders! Petunias are extremely versatile, and their long-lasting funnel-shaped blooms are sure to brighten up any space. 

#110 Pincushion Flowers

Pincushion flowers may be small and button-like, but this doesn’t stop them from making a real impact in the garden! These plants when planted in drifts provide glorious swathes of color. They’re named so because their blooms look like a pincushion filled with needles! 

#111 Primroses

primrose danova cherry with edge

Primrose plants are a large group of mostly perennial and some biennial plants. They are low-growing and prefer cooler regions. Many species are grown as ornamentals for their bright flowers that can be white, pink, red, purple, yellow, or blue! These plants look stunning at the front of borders or rock gardens. 

#112 Rain Lily

Rain lilies are delicate little plants that are known to bloom spectacularly after a heavy bout of rain. These tropical bulbs have lovely crocus-like flowers that come in vivid hues of pink, yellow, and white! They have lush, green, grassy foliage and like being under full sun conditions. 

#113 Salvias

Perennial salvias, which also go by the name “sage” are drought-tolerant plants that bloom from summer through to fall! Salvias have bold spikes adorned with tightly packed flowers which come in a whole range of colors! They look particularly impressive planted in large groups, especially with a few different colored varieties!

#114 Sapphire Flower

The sapphire or amethysts flower is a tropical perennial with a rounded growth habit. Its flowers are typically purplish-blue with many cultivars of different shades and growth habits. Depending on the variety, grow them in containers, hanging baskets, or beds and borders!

#115 Scarlet Sage

Scarlet sage (Salvia splendens) is part of the salvia group, and true to its name has vivid scarlet flowers, although varieties now exist in different colors. With a long blooming period, these ornamentals can be planted in groups along the border, or containers. Scarlet sage is also a common name for a few other salvias, so beware when purchasing!

#116 Sea Holly

Sea holly is highly tolerant of salty and sandy soils making it perfect for coastal gardens! Its spiky silvery-blue foliage and rounded blue flower heads look sensational amongst other seaside favorites like Russian sage or lavender. These plants also make wonderful dried flowers!

#117 Shasta Daisies

Shasta daisies have a truly iconic daisy “look” with their pure white outer rays and bright yellow centers! They perform best under full sun and have the tendency to spread easily throughout the garden so are highly recommended for container planting! 

#118 Snapdragons

Although most snapdragons are short-lived perennials, there are a few species that are annuals! They have tubular flowers with an almost lip-like mouth which prevents most bugs from reaching the inside of the blooms. They get their name because their blooms supposedly resemble the face of a dragon.

#119 Snowdrops

Snowdrops are often said to be the first sign of spring, as these perennial bulbs are often the first flowers that emerge in the new year, often pushing themselves up from under a layer of snow! They typically have small, hanging, bell-shaped flowers that are snow-white. 

#120 Starfish Iris

The starfish iris is a truly bizarre plant with six-pointed star-shaped blooms with densely ruffled edges. Its flowers may be pale or dark with contrasting velvety central spots and edges. They can be grown as container plants and are an intriguing specimen to add to any collection!

#121 Stokes Aster

A beautiful US native, the stokes aster, or cornflower aster is an old-fashioned plant with a glorious summer bloom. It has round fragrant flowers with almost fringed or frilly edges that come in blue, purple, or white. 

#122 Tiger Flower

An incredible and exotic-looking plant, tiger flowers are part of the iris family and have 3 lower petals and 3 smaller inner petals. They come in bright colors and have a spotted central cup. These are a great addition to a tropical or patio garden!

#123 Tiger Lily

Tiger lilies have stunning lily flowers that are curled back giving them an even more intriguing look! Petals are dark orange with dark spots although hybrids in other colors exist. Plant them in small groups along borders for a truly eye-catching display! 

#124 Tulips

tulip flower

Tulips are easily one of the most recognizable plants worldwide! They have upright stalks and produce cup, bowl, or goblet-shaped blooms with fully double cultivars. Their bright colors add lovely color in spring and look sensational planted in large drifts.  

#125 Turtlehead

Turtlehead plants are named after their flowers that grow in small groups and resemble a turtle’s beak! They are normally found in damp and boggy areas, but make fantastic garden ornamentals! Their blossoms can be pink, purple, or white. 

#126 Walking Iris

Walking irises are exotic additions to any garden! They get their name from the way they propagate which is when new plantlets grow from the top of stalks which then bend down and take root. They have interesting flowers with 3 large open-facing outer petals and 3 smaller curled inner petals. 

Annual Flowers

Many different types of flowers can be grown as annual flowers. Here are some common ones:

#127 Ageratum

Ageratums or floss flowers are great plants for attracting pollinators into the garden. Their flowers grow in dense clusters and are almost fluffy looking or resemble floss! They grow well in containers and varieties come in white, blue, or pink!

#128 Alyssum

Alyssum or sweet alyssum is a low-growing plant with a spreading habit that is perfect for border edges. Their dainty flowers are fragrant and have a long bloom season from spring to fall! Blooms can be pink, purple or white, grow in dense clusters, and look fantastic in Mediterranean gardens!

#129 Apple of Peru

The apple of Peru plant blooms from summer through to early fall, but each blossom only lasts for one day! It has bell-shaped flowers that are lilac-blue with a white center and deep blue-purple blotches. Its nectar will attract several types of bees.

#130 Arizona Poppy

The Arizona poppy looks a lot like the California poppy, but is actually not a poppy at all! They have vivid orange, poppy-like flowers with dark orange or red centers. These plants look fantastic planted en-masse, and their seeds are a food source for doves and quails!

#131 Baby Blue-eyes

This North American and Mexican native plant has the most stunning blue flowers! Blooms are cup-shaped with a white central eye and will attract bees and butterflies into the garden. Baby blue-eyes are tough little plants that can tolerate wetness for short periods and a little light foot traffic too!

#132 Bachelor’s Buttons

Bachelor’s buttons, which are also widely known as cornflowers, are the ultimate meadow garden flower! They have small, fully-double, carnation-like blooms on tall stalks, and can be blue, pink, or white! Easy to grow, these sensational flowers should be top on the list for beginner gardeners!

#133 Bells of Ireland

Bells of Ireland is a truly unusual plant with tall spikes that are adorned with cup-shaped, green flowers! They grow up to 3 feet tall and are good for adding height to the border. Consider staking them in more exposed sites to keep the garden looking nice and neat!

#134 Candy Cane Sorrel

Candy cane sorrel is a low-growing plant that has red and white trumpet-shaped blooms that look like a candy cane! In cool weather, the buds close at night and open during the day to reveal their red stripes. Grow them in pots or along spring borders!

#135 Cape Marigold

Cape marigolds are punchy, daisy-like flowers that will bring a splash of color wherever they’re planted! They are free blooming from spring to fall and look particularly impressive planted en-masse along beds or borders. 

#136 Centaury

These wonderful plants are well-known as medicinal herbs for treating a variety of ailments. They have small, star-shaped blooms that emerge in mid-summer and last until fall! Their color ranges from soft pink to rose red and their foliage is light green.

#137 China Aster

These cool weather-annuals come in almost every color and have large showy blooms that grow as wide as 6 inches! They have been heavily cultivated so you will find several varieties of China asters with flower forms that range from daisy-like to pompoms.

#138 Clarkia

Clarkias were named in honor of William Clark of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition where they were first discovered. They are also called farewell-to-spring as they bloom at the end of the wildflower season in June-July. Their delicate flowers have crepe-like petals and come in delightful shades of pink, red, and purple, with darker blotches at their base. 

#139 Cleome

Cleomes, which are also called spider flowers due to their long, thread-like stamens, are hugely popular plants that provide early summer displays that last all the way to the first frosts! Flowers have 4 petals and 6 spreading stamens and can be shades of white, pink, and purple. 

#140 Cockscomb

Cockscombs or celiosas are extremely distinctive, brightly colored,  flowers that make incredible additions to bouquets! They are split into three cultivar groups: plumed –  with feathery flowers, wheat – wheat-like blooms, and the most eye-catching type, cockscomb – with a coral or brain-like appearance. 

#141 Corncockle

These easy-to-grow annual flowers are just fantastic in meadow-style gardens and look particularly good planted alongside poppies! Corncockle flowers have five silky petals that commonly have pink-purple edges that fade to pure white towards the center with lines of dark pink or purple dots, however, white cultivars also exist!

#142 Cosmos

Cosmos are extremely easy-to-grow plants that will bring a pop of color into the garden throughout summer and fall! They come in a broad range of shades with daisy-like flowers born on long, slender stalks and attractive feathery or fern-like foliage.

#143 Desert Bluebells

These vivid flowers are desert natives that do well in dry conditions. They have stunning bright blue tubular flowers with bright yellow stamens. Desert bluebells form small clumps that fit very nicely between paving stones and look lovely along the front of borders!

#144 Five Spot

Five spots are enchanting wildflowers that are hugely attractive to pollinators. They are extremely versatile and will look at home in any garden and suit both bed and container planting! They are vigorous bloomers and produce masses of bowl-shaped white flowers adorned with a purple-blue spot on each of its five petals!

#145 Flax 

Flax plants are extremely well-known, if not for their charming flowers, but for seeds which are a popular health food! These plants are also used in the production of linen. Their blooms are periwinkle blue and look incredible when planted en-masse in wildflower, meadow, or cottage-style gardens!

#146 Fringe Pod

These bizarre-looking plants are definitely for gardeners who like something a little bit different in the garden! Fringe Pods have small clusters of white flowers but their real appeal is their distinctive seed pods. The pods are green, flattened discs sometimes tinged with pink around the edge and have an almost doily-like appearance.

#147 Globe Amaranth

Globe amaranth plants are charming little annuals. They have dense, round flower clusters that are commonly magenta but cultivars can be pink, yellow, or white! Grow them in meadow or pollinator gardens. 

#148 Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate

This annual looks lovely in cottage-style or informal displays! It’s fast-growing, low maintenance, and produces long-lasting scented blooms that tumble down in dense clusters from arching stems!

#149 Larkspurs

Often confused with delphiniums, larkspurs are showy annuals that produce tall spikes of flowers. Their blooms come in a range of hues and are wonderful for encouraging pollinators to come into the garden. They are lovely both as cut flowers and for dried displays. 

#150 Marigold

Marigolds are extremely well-known and popular ornamentals that have cheery flowers in warm tones of red, yellow, and orange. Rare cultivars can be found that are cream, striped, or bi-colored tones. They can have daisy, pompom, or anemone forms with either single flowers or clusters on stems. Foliage is green and fern-like.

#151 Mexican Sunflower

The Mexican sunflower is a vigorously growing plant native to Mexico and Central America. It is drought tolerant with beautiful flowers in shades of yellow to dark orange. Their blooms make brilliant cut flowers and are great for attracting pollinators.

#152 Painted Tongue

Native to parts of Chile and Argentina, the painted tongue is a showy annual that prefers areas with cooler summer temperatures. They have funnel-shaped blooms that come in rich and decadent hues of blue, gold, pink, purple, and red!  They look marvelous in hanging baskets and make striking cut flowers too!

#153 Safflower

Safflower is well-known for its culinary and medicinal uses, but it is also a lovely ornamental that would look stunning in any garden! It is tall, reaching a maximum of 4 feet high, and has vibrant red, orange, yellow or white flowers. 

Biennial Flowers

Here’s a list of flowers that are biennial:

#154 Black-eyed Susans

Blacked-eyed susans are cheery plants that will bring bold color into the garden! Flowers are daisy-like with vivid yellow or orange petals with dark brown centers. These plants attract all kinds of pollinators and look sensational when planted in big groups!

#155 Canterbury Bells

Canterbury bells are lovely plants that suit cottage-style or English gardens! Often called cup and saucers, they have interesting cup or saucer-shaped blooms that come in delicate shades of blue, purple, pink, and white! Blooms appear in summer atop upright stems.

#156 Desert Marigold

Desert marigolds have beautiful silvery-gray foliage and produce profusions of daisy-like blooms. Flowers are brilliant yellow, long-lasting, and become papery with age. These desert natives are perfect for growing in stony or sandy areas where other plants would normally struggle!

#157 English Daisies

English daisies or common daisies are lovely for bringing spring cheer into the garden alongside other early bloomers! They are vigorous growers so keeping them container-bound may be a good option to keep them from spreading. Their blooms are rosette-forming and can be red, white, or pink, with golden yellow centers. 

#158 Forget-Me-Not

Forget-me-not flowers are iconic spring flowers that work well in informal plantings, along borders, and in pots. They tolerate both full sun and partial shade making them extremely versatile! Their tiny flowers are typically blue with a white or yellow central eye, but there are white and pink cultivars. 

#159 Foxgloves

foxglove flower

These biennials are quintessential plants for a cottage garden! Foxgloves come in a variety of colors with many species and wonderful cultivars. Tubular blooms are produced on tall spikes, making them staples for adding height to the border. 

#160 Milk Thistle

Milk thistles are native to the Mediterranean and thrive in dry and rocky environments. They have thorny foliage and magenta flower heads! Take care if planting as in some areas their highly invasive nature makes growing them illegal.

Flowering Shrubbery and Bushes

#161 Azaleas

Azalea bushes are a type of Rhododendron that have small to medium leaves and produce funnel-shaped flowers en-masse in spring or summer. Their flowers are showy and sometimes fragrant, coming in various shades of white, pink, purple, and red! 

#162 Bladderpod

Bladderpod shrubs flower almost year-round and have bright yellow, showy flowers that will attract all manner of pollinators including bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies! What makes this shrub so interesting are its distinctive seed pods, which look swollen and have a drooping appearance!

#163 Blue Lips

These perennial shrubs produce masses of unusual and dainty fan-shaped flowers that come in white, pink, purple, or blue! These plants are versatile and can be grown in hanging baskets, containers, window boxes, and garden beds and borders! Plant them to attract butterflies and bees!

#164 Blue Witches Hat

Blue witches hat or hedgehog sage is a perennial shrub that produces bright blue densely packed flower spikes from summer to fall. It has been named after its blooms that resemble the shape of a witch’s hat and are a good source of nectar for pollinators!

#165 Bouvardia 

Bouvardias are a group of flowers native to tropical America. They have clusters of singular or double tubular blooms that come in pink, red, and white. These plants have an extremely long vase life of 14-20 days making them perfect as cut flowers!

#166 Chenille

These tropical shrubs have truly bizarre and unique flowers, they are pendant shaped, reddish-pink, and have a fluffy appearance! Blooms hang or droop down and can reach an impressive 18 inches long. In colder climates, grow chenille plants in containers and overwinter them indoors or keep them as houseplants year-round.

#167 Coral Bean

Coral bean is a perennial, thorny shrub that produces groups of wonderful scarlet to reddish-pink tubular flowers on upright stalks. Their ornate flowers are appealing to hummingbirds and have a long blooming season from spring to fall!

#168 Curry Plant

Also known as the golden eternal flower or strawflower, the curry plant is an evergreen shrub with beautiful golden yellow flower clusters. It gets its common name from its curry-scented leaves. Their dried flowers are fantastic in floral arrangements as they will keep their yellow color!

#169 Duranta

Durantas are tropical shrubs but can be grown as annuals in colder climates. Also named the golden dewdrop plant after their beautiful golden orange berries that appear in the fall, these plants grow quickly and are great for adding privacy to the garden! They produced masses of pretty little purple, blue, or white flowers. 

#170 Fuchsia 

hybrid fuchsia

Fuchsias are extremely well-loved shrubs that can be grown as perennials in milder climates. They have beautiful and ornate pendulum blooms that hang down delicately. Today there are an estimated 3000-5000 cultivars in a multitude of colors and marvelous shapes. 

#171 Gardenia

Gardenias are known for being a little tricky to grow, but that hasn’t stopped them from becoming a favorite among gardeners! These tender evergreen shrubs produce wonderful white or cream blooms with the most intoxicating fragrance. 

#172 Goat’s Beard

Goat’s beard is an attractive shrub with tall, feathery plumes of cream flowers. It has contrasting, rich green foliage that highlights the beauty of its blooms! These plants can tolerate wet conditions making them wonderful for boggy areas or planted along a pond edge!

#173 Jasmine

Jasmine is an extremely popular plant noted for its heavenly scent! They can be either shrubs or vines and are part of the Olive family! They typically have white flared flowers, although double-flowered cultivars exist, as well as yellow or more rarely, pink flowers! 

#174 Knock Out Roses

For those who love roses but feel intimidated by the level of care and attention they require, knock out roses are the perfect alternative! These cultivars have only been around for a short time but are already firm favorites! Their flowers come in a multitude of colors, and best of all, they’re easy to grow!

#175 Lantana

lantana flower

Lantanas are tropical shrubs that produce pretty clusters of small flowers. Flowerheads can be two or three-toned as newer blooms may begin as one color before maturing to another! Varieties may have softer or more vivid hues, lending these plants to both tropical and cottage-style displays!

#176 Lavender

These evergreen shrubs are instantly recognized by their unique, sweet scent which is used for cosmetics, essential oils, and more! Their purple flowers are loosely clustered on spikes that sit on top of bare stalks, surrounded by gray-green foliage. Lavender bushes are hugely popular for cottage-style, coastal, and Mediterranean gardens!

#177 Poinsettia

Poinsettias are easily recognizable as one of the most famous plants to have in the home around the holidays! These shrubs can also be grown in the garden and will remain as attractive green foliage until the days shorten in the winter and they begin to change color to a festive red.

#178 Popcorn Cassia

Popcorn cassia is a tropical little shrub that gets its name from the buttery popcorn scent of its leaves when they are rubbed together! Their buttery yellow flowers are clustered on upright racemes in groups of 20-30 and are said to have a subtle peanut butter scent.

#179 Rose

Everybody can recognize roses as they are the most common types of flowers. Red roses are probably the most common type of red flowers.

Roses are highly cultivated perennial shrubs that are loved by all for their beautifully scented and showy flowers! Their blooms come in white, pink, red, yellow, and other delightful shades in between! They are the most popular flowers for Valentine’s Day bouquets and the specific color of their blooms even have different meanings. 

#180 Russian Sage

This low-maintenance shrub is admired for its silvery-gray foliage and beautiful tufts of pale purple to blue-purple flowers! It is a staple in any coastal garden scheme and will bring pollinators into the garden. 

Flowering Vines

#181 Butterfly Pea

Butterfly peas are tender perennial climbers with vivid blue-purple and yellow pea flowers! These are great vines for bringing butterflies, bees, and birds into the area and will bloom year long in frost-free climates! Their flowers are even used to make bright blue tea!

#182 Clematis

Clematis is a perennial woody vine that has showy flowers that come in a wide range of magnificent colors! Their flowers are fragrant and will attract pollinators. With such a large number of varieties available there is a clematis vine to suit any style of garden!

#183 Honeysuckle

Honeysuckles may be shrubs or climbers. The climbing varieties have lovely scented flowers that eventually become red berries which are eaten by birds! These vines come in a range of colors and ordinarily have two-lipped flowers that contain sweet nectar loved by pollinators.

#184 Hoya

Hoyas are tropical succulents that can be trained as vines! They have round clusters of waxy star-shaped flowers in attractive colors! These plants also make lovely indoor specimens and will trail attractively over the edge of their pot. 

#185 Moon Flower

This stunning vine is a tender perennial that has large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers that only open up once the sun begins to set! They will bloom throughout the night giving off an intoxicating fragrance before closing up the next day. 

#186 Wisteria

Wisterias are woody perennials that produce masses of fragrant, cascading lilac flowers in spring! These vines are vigorous growers, so be mindful of placing them near the home as they could cause some unwanted damage. Instead, try growing them around an archway for a show-stopping garden feature!

Flowering Trees

#187 Crabapple

Crabapples are a group of small trees that produce small fruit which can be used to make jellies and cider! They produce masses of fragrant five-petaled blossoms in shades of white, pink, and purple. Semi-double and full double cultivars also exist. 

#188 Desert Rose

The desert rose is a perennial succulent with a thick trunk and branches, giving it a tree shape. It is a popular houseplant that is often grown as a bonsai, however, these plants are wonderful in the garden and grow well in containers! They have showy trumpet-shaped flowers that are most commonly pink, but sometimes white or red. 

#189 Jamaican Bell Flower

These wonderful flowering trees have white trumpet-shaped flowers that give out a heady chocolate fragrance! Mature trees can grow up to 15 feet tall, but Jamaican bell flowers can be grown successfully in containers.

#190 Magnolia

Magnolia trees are well-known for their large, fragrant flowers that typically bloom in spring-time. Blossoms may be tulip or star-shaped and come in a wide variety of colors from white, pink, reddish-purple, and yellow. Some varieties are small shrubs that make attractive container plants. 

#191 Plumeria

Plumerias are tropical trees with delightfully fragrant blooms that come in pink, red, yellow, and white. Easily grown in containers, having plumerias in the garden will easily transport anyone to the islands of the South Pacific!

#192 Sea Hibiscus

Sea hibiscus is a small tree or shrub typically found in coastal areas in tropical Asia. It has showy lemon yellow flowers with overlapping petals and a dark maroon central eye. They have a high tolerance for salty conditions making them perfect as ornamentals in subtropical or tropical regions!

When growing hibiscus, it’s best to choose a full sun or part shade spot and give it enough water, especially during the hot months.


With so many incredible flowering plants out there it can be a tough choice as to what deserves a spot in your garden! Of course, having a range of perennials, annuals, shrubs, vines, and trees is a great way to bring any space to life with a range of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. 

Hopefully, this list has made narrowing down exactly what plants to include a little easier! 

See more: Flowers and their meanings