Many flowers of the world come in all shapes, sizes, and even colors! But what is the meaning behind floral color? Although most flowers come in all colors and sizes, there are only a few true blue flowers in the world of flora.
Listed in this article you will learn more about the different types of beautiful blue flowers – from big and small sizes to dark or light shades.
Meaning of the Color Blue
Blue can mean or represent a lot of different things. It is sometimes associated with feeling down or in a low mood. Meanwhile, others often use the color to describe the hue of the clear sky.
In popular social events, the color blue in many baby showers and baby gender reveals means a bouncing baby boy.
Scientifically, the color blue lies between the color spectrum of green and violet. It is also one of the primary colors of the color wheel.
Guide to Giving Blue Flowers
Not as commonly given as brightly-colored flowers, blue flowers symbolize peace and tranquility. The shades of blue vary from soft pastel to deep and dark tones which are truly beautiful when arranged in a bouquet.
Since the color blue resonates with relaxing and fresh vibes, it can be given during special occasions or just out of the blue! Some special days to give these flowers include grandparents’ or mother’s day, birthdays, anniversaries, or even graduation!
A List of Amazing Flowers with Blue Colors
Here are our favorite blue flower names you can learn about:
#1 Agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus)
This beautiful bulbous flower is more commonly known as the African Lily or Lily of the Nile – meaning the loving flower. It is native to the paradise of South Africa.
Hailing from the Amaryllidaceae family, its rounded clusters of bluish-purple funnel-shaped flowers make it a gorgeous addition to gardens. In fact, many friendly pollinators love these blossoms!
#2 Anemone (Anemone blanda)
Also known as the Grecian windflower, the blue Anemone is a bulbous plant found in parts of southeastern Europe.
This dainty flower belongs to the Ranunculaceae family alongside Buttercups. Its attractive, dark blue to bluish-purple flowers are actually composed of sepals. In fact, many might say the Anemone is a daisy look alike!
#3 Asian Pigeonwings (Clitoria ternatea)
The famous Asian Pigeonwings or more popularly known as the Blue Ternate have been used for centuries to create blue dye for food and beverages. This perennial vine was first native to tropical Asia and South America.
In making blue dye from this flower, it’s best to keep it under full sun to part shade conditions with well-drained soils.
#4 Blue Wood Aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium)
The Blue Wood Aster, also known as the Heart-leaved Aster is very popular for its heart-shaped leaves! Aside from its leaves, this herbaceous perennial is composed of delicate pale to rich blue rays of flowers with yellow or brown centers. Quick fact: these yellow or brown centers attract butterflies!
It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to Eastern and North Central America.
#5 Bellflower or Bluebells (Campanula rotundifolia L.)
The Bluebells or Bellflower are herbaceous perennials commonly found in the Unita Mountains. It belongs to the Campanulaceae family and closely resembles a bell – hence its name.
These bell-shaped blooms are herbaceous perennials with very attractive light to pale blue flowers that appear to be nodding when blown by the wind.
#6 Butterfly Bush (Clerodendrum ugandense)
The Butterfly Bush is a flower as beautiful and dainty as its name. It has lovely little light blue flowers that resemble a butterfly thanks to its petal arrangement.
These herbaceous shrubs belong to the Lamiaceae family and are abundantly found in the tropical paradise of Africa.
#7 Brunnera (Brunnera macrophylla)
Brunnera blossoms are also called the Siberian bugloss. It is an herbaceous perennial from the Boraginaceae or Borage family.
The flowers which are small and blue with white centers have an uncanny resemblance to Forget-me-nots! Also, something to note about this plant is its gorgeous dark green heart-shaped foliage.
#8 Bluestar (Amsonia tabernaemontana)
The Bluestars as its floral name implies is a gorgeous blue flower with 5 petals shaped like a star. It has a cluster of flower blooms that open on late days of Spring making the fields appear like the sky during the day. When the day ends, the flower’s foliage turns yellow.
This herbaceous perennial comes from the Apocynaceae family and is mostly found in areas of the Central and Eastern United States. Whenever this plant blooms, the field always appears to be full of blue stars!
#9 Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis)
This herbaceous perennial is composed of tall clumps of beautiful showy blue flowers. In fact, these blue flowers were once used as an alternative for the true Indigo flower!
The Blue False Indigos belong to the Fabaceae or legume family and are primarily native to the Central and Eastern United States.
#10 Blue Mist Shrub (Caryopteris × clandonensis)
The Blue Mist Shrub is also known by another intriguing name – the Bluebeard. This deciduous shrub belongs to the Lamiaceae or Mint family and is mostly native to East Asia.
The beauty of these blossoms is witnessed in the late summer. Small powder-blue flowers with their oval leaves produce a fragrant aroma when brushed with a hand!
#11 Birdbill Dayflower (Commelina dianthifolia)
Another dainty blossom, the Birdbill Dayflower has three blue petals in a lovely pastel shade. It is a perennial herb originating from the Commelinaceae or Spiderworts family.
Here’s an interesting fact: the Commelina flowers open in the morning and wither by midday because their petals absorb moisture from the atmosphere! Some even call this the midday mush!
#12 Blue Orchid (Vanda coerulea)
The blue Orchid is indeed a spectacular flower! Blue orchids have long-lasting yet delicate flowers that are bluish-purple in color and are oftentimes called the Autumn Lady’s Tresses.
It belongs to the Orchidaceae or Orchid family and is primarily native to Northeast India.
#13 Blue Hibiscus (Alyogyne huegelii)
Another spectacular blue flower is the Hibiscus or also known as the Rose of Sharon. This deciduous shrub belongs to the Malvaceae or Mallow family.
It is native to parts of Eastern Asia and is admired all throughout the continent. The blue Hibiscus has showy, Hollyhock-like flowers with 5 petals blooming from Summer to Fall.
#14 Columbine (Aquilegia caerulea)
Aquilegia is a perennial herb of the Ranunculaceae or Buttercup family. Flowers with blue sepals are specifically known as the Colorado Columbine. From the name itself, these blossoms are found up high in the Colorado mountains. The flower petal also has white tips or blue spurs hooked at the tips.
#15 Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Cornflowers are also known as the Bachelor’s Button for a very distinct reason – it’s small and prim just like a button! These flowers are annual herbs from the Asteraceae or Aster family native to Western Asia and Europe.
Often regarded as a weed in grain fields, these blossoms stand out with their pastel or papery blue floral heads.
#16 Blue Jasmine (Clematis crispa)
Also known as the Swamp Leather flower, this plant is native to the swamps and wet plains of southeastern North America.
This semi-woody perennial flowering plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. Mostly popular for its bell-shaped blue or purple flowers, the Clematis crispa has a soft fragrance to it as well.
#17 Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Cute as its name suggests, the Chicory plant is also known as the Blue Sailor or Coffee Weed. It belongs to the Aster family and is native to Europe, Central Russia, and Western Asia.
Its soft rays of blue flowers also have blue anthers but white intricate styles.
#18 Delphinium (Delphinium elatum)
The Delphinium or Larkspur is an herbaceous perennial of the Ranunculaceae family. It is considered a tall flower native to some regions of Europe and Northern to Central Asia.
Delphinium flowers are such tall flowers that they can reach around 70 inches tall! Aside from this, it produces beautiful bright blue blooms with blue outer sepals that come in pairs of two.
#19 Daisy (Felicia amelloides)
These blue Daisies are not similar to the white or yellow petaled ones. In fact, this kind of colored Daisy is also called a Marguerite. It is an herbaceous perennial flower belonging to the Aster family.
Found native in South Africa, the Daisy-like flowers have gorgeous sky blue rays of petals with a yellow budding center.
#20 Dwarf Morning Glory (Evolvulus)
Also known as the shaggy dwarf Morning glory or Hawaiian blue eyes, this plant features a gorgeous flower with sky-blue petals. It belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and is either an annual or perennial depending on the climate.
Native to the regions in South America, these flowers flourish under the full sun producing bright blue blooms shaped like a funnel. Many natives in Texas display these flowers in hanging baskets or as a ground cover with moist well-drained soil.
#21 Empire Blue Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii)
The ‘Empire Blue’ butterfly bush is a beautiful yet large deciduous shrub with blue blooms and bright orange centers. These flowers bloom from early to late Spring throughout the months of July to September.
The plant belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family and is primarily native to the Asian countries of China and Japan.
#22 Forget me not (Myosotis asiatica)
Native to the northwestern states of the USA and Canada, Forget-me-nots have beautiful deep blue petals and attractive bright yellow stamens. It is a perennial plant from the Borage family.
Blue Forget Me Nots are also known as the Alpine Forget me not and are the state flower of Alaska.
#23 Flax (Linum lewisii)
More popularly known as the Blue Flax or Lewis Blossom, this perennial evergreen plant is native to Western North America. It belongs to the Linaceae or simply the Flax family.
Its lovely and delicate flowers have a very striking blue shade looking elegantly above nodding stalks.
#24 Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro)
These blue blossoms look a lot like a Dandelion because of their spherical shape. The Globe Thistle is an herbaceous perennial of the Aster family native to Southeastern Europe.
It is popularly known as Blue Glow and has steely blue floral heads appearing ball-shaped surrounded by prickly green leaves.
#25 Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum)
The Grape Hyacinth is a bulbous perennial of the Asparagaceae family producing small blue blossoms. It is also surprisingly known as Bluebells! These blossoms are native to the various regions of Western Asia and Southeastern Europe.
The blossoms of this lovely plant are tightly knit, urn-shaped, and have a deep blue-violet color. It also bears a slight fragrance apart from its canny resemblance to grapes!
#26 Geranium (Geranium ‘Johnson Blue’)
Popularly known as the Cranesbill, blue Geraniums are herbaceous perennial plants belonging to the Geraniaceae family. Its large and saucer-shaped flowers have soft yet striking sky blue petal colors.
The Johnson Blue is known as one of the most popular blue-colored Geranium flowers. It first debuted in the 1950s at many English gardens.
#27 Georgia Blue (Veronica peduncularis)
Georgia Blue flowers are also known as Speedwell. It is an herbaceous perennial of the Plantaginaceae family native to the Caucasus region, Ukraine, and Western Asia.
This flower has spires of small, round blue flowers which first bloom in Spring and then reblooms in the early Summer.
#28 Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa forbesii)
The Glory of the snow got its popularity as the flower that pokes right out of the first set of snow. It is a bulbous perennial of the Asparagus family native mainly to western Turkey.
The winter flowers are small and upward facing. Its petals are pale blue in color with a dainty white center making it translucent and appear like a star in the snow.
#29 Gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe)
Gentians are amazing but rare and protected flowers. These plants are either annuals or perennials and are found throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America, and New Zealand.
The plants belong to the Gentianaceae family. Its flowers have four or five petals usually joined into a trumpet, funnel, or bell shape.
#30 Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
The blue Hydrangea is also known as the Bigleaf Hydrangea. It is a deciduous herb of the Hydrangeaceae family native to America and Asia.
The plants produce large clusters of flat or oval flowers that bloom for long periods during the summer.
#31 Iris (Iris virginica)
The Iris is famously known as the Fleur-de-lis of the French Royalist standard. This bulbous plant has 3 gorgeous sepals, petals, and stigma branches that make it very eye-catching!
These flowers belong to the Iridaceae family and are found in many regions of the Mediterranean and Central Asia.
#32 Love in a mist (Nigella damascena)
This charming old-fashioned flower belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. It is native in the regions of southern Europe and northern Africa.
Love in a mist flower is an annual that usually has bright to very pale blue petals. It has 5 large petal-like sepals and actual small petals hidden beneath the stamens – this makes the flower appear pod-shaped.
#33 Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)
The Lobelia also known as the blue Cardinal flower, is an herbaceous perennial of the Campanulaceae family. It is native to regions of Eastern North America.
The flowers have an amazing dark blue shade. It also has 2-lipped flowers with three lobes.
#34 Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis)
The blue Lungwort is a beautiful flower native to Europe. It is also known as the Jerusalem sage. This herbaceous perennial is a part of the Borage family.
The flowers have 5 petals forming a clustered funnel shape which blooms in mid-spring.
#35 Lupine (Lupinus texensis)
The Lupine is one of the many flowers that aid in soil fertility by its ability to fix nitrogen from the air into the soil. Also called the Texas Bluebonnet, these flowers belong to the Fabaceae family and are native to the Mediterranean and the midwest of North America.
This plant is partly herbaceous or woody perennial. It has compact and upright spikes of flowers that are very attractive in a field of green.
#36 Monkshood (Aconitum napellus)
The Monkshood is quite an interesting plant. A herbaceous perennial of the Ranunculaceae family, the plant is native to regions in Europe and Asia.
The flowers are a deep purplish-blue to violet with the upper sepals developing into a large hood-like shape – similar to what medieval monks wore!
#37 Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica)
As its name suggests, the Morning glory is truly a glorious flower in the early hours of the day. It is a perennial vine from the Convolvulaceae family native to tropical America.
A blue kind of flower is known as the heavenly blue Morning Glory. The flowers are clustered on a vine with heart-shaped leaves.
#38 Poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia)
The Himalayan Blue Poppy has deep blue flowers with contrasting stamens. It is surrounded by luscious oblong blue-green leaves.
It is a perennial shrub that comes from the Papaveraceae family. The flowers are native mostly to the Caucasus, northeastern Turkey, and northern Iran.
#39 Periwinkle (Vinca major)
The blue Periwinkle belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It is a perennial creeping plant native to the western Mediterranean.
The flowers have five, light blue petals shaping them to appear like a tube.
#40 Poorman’s Weather Glass (Anagallis arvensis)
The Poorman’s Weather Glass flowers got their name because of how the flowers close before the rain pours down. It is an annual herb of the Primulaceae family.
Another name this flower goes by is Shepherd’s Clock. It is native to Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. The flowers have 5 blue petals and 5 pointy alternate sepals.
#41 Passionflower (Passiflora caerulea)
This flower is truly spectacular. It is a viny evergreen from the Passifloraceae family and is native to Brazil and Argentina.
Blue Passion Flowers are actually blue-purple in color and can grow as big as 4 inches wide.
#42 Scabiosa (Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’)
Scabiosas are more commonly known as the Pincushion flowers. It is either an herbaceous annual, biennial, or perennial from the Caprifoliaceae family.
The flowers are native to the Mediterranean region but can also be found in some parts of Europe, Caucasus, Africa, Asia, and Japan. These plants feature an outer ring of frilly, flat, and lavender-blue flowers with cushion-like buds and outward stamens.
#43 Mediterranean Sea Holly (Eryngium bourgatii)
The Mediterranean Sea Holly ‘Oxford Blue’ is almost often taken as a floral sea anemone. In truth, it is actually an herbaceous perennial of the Apiaceae family native to France, Morocco, and Spain.
The flowers form into a dense, cone-shaped flower head composed of teeny tiny tightly-packed blue flowers. For others, this flower is also known as the Mediterranean Sea Holly.
#44 Salvia (Salvia farinacea)
Also known as the Blue Sage or the Mealycup Sage, the Salvia is an herbaceous perennial native to Texas and Mexico. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is composed of beautiful two-lipped violet blue flowers.
#45 Siberian Squill (Scilla siberica ‘Spring Beauty’)
The Siberian Squill is quite an interesting flower. It has a drooping, bell-like shaped flower with another per stalk. The petals come in a very deep blue color hence its beauty.
Also known as the Wood Squill, these flowers belong to the Asparagus family and are native to southwestern Russia, Caucasus, and Turkey.
#46 Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
The Sweet Pea is an annual climbing bushy plant from the Fabaceae family. Mostly native to Crete, Italy, and Sicily, these highly fragrant flowers on winged stems appear like butterflies in fields.
#47 Stiff Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium Demissum)
The Stiff Blue-eyed Grass is a semi-evergreen perennial from the family of Irises. Native to regions in North and South America, these star-shaped flowers have bright yellow centers and 6 pointed petals – 3 sepals and petals each.
#48 Touch me not (Impatiens hawkeri)
Also known as the New Guinea impatiens, this plant features a wide range of petal colors forming blue or white flowers. It is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Balsaminaceae family.
These small blue blossoms are commonly grown under partial shade areas with ample tolerance for full sun and in moist well-drained soils.
#49 Violet (Viola sororia)
Hailing from the Violaceae family, the Violets are also commonly known as the blue or hooded blue Violets. It is an herbaceous perennial native to North America.
This plant has purplish-blue flowers with white throats. The three lower petals also have distinct hairy leaves.
#50 Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus)
A herbaceous perennial from the Campanulaceae family, this plant is mostly popular for its bell-shaped flowers. Balloon flowers are native to the nations of China, Japan, Korea, and Russia.
The flower buds tend to puff up like balloons before exploding. It has five pointed lobes which tend to face outward and inward causing the bell-like shape.
#51 Fairy Thimbles (Campanula cochleariifolia)
Fairy Thimbles also go by the name Earleaf Bellflower. It is a member of the Campanulaceae family. The native range for these flowers reaches vastly from the Pyrenees, Alps, French Massif Central, and Carpathian Mountains of Central Europe.
The flowers are a deep blue to white color and appear nodding at the end of stems. Depending on the type, these flowers can either be annual, biennial, or perennial herbs.
#52 Lead Plant (Amorpha canescens)
The Lead plant produces small, delicate flowers with protruding bright orange-tipped stamens. The bluish-purple flowers with golden anthers are packed in tiny clusters.
Also known as the Shoestrings flower because of its stamens and anthers, this deciduous herb is mainly native to North America.
#53 Blue corydalis (Corydalis flexuosa)
The Blue Corydalis or simply Corydalis is an herbaceous perennial. It is native to China and belongs to the Papaveraceae family.
Its flowers are tube-shaped and blue in color sitting atop fine stalks. Meanwhile, the racemes are long and thin.
#54 Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica)
Belonging to the family of Borages, the Virginia Bluebells are native to Northern America. It is an herbaceous perennial with terminal clusters of drooping trumpet-shaped, blue flowers.
#55 Desert Bluebells (Phacelia campanularia)
Another plant hailing from the Borage family, the Desert Bluebells are native to California, Mojave, and Sonoran deserts. This annual flowering herb produces bright blue flowers shaped like a bell or funnel or round and flattened.
There is indeed a bounty of different kinds of blue flowers in the world. Whether these flowers bloom during any season, they are sure to catch your eye. Coming in all different shapes, shades, and sizes, flowers of this color are confident and as calming as the sky and sea.
*image by yarikkk/depositphotos