First thing’s first, red flowers are just one of the most popular and vibrant flowers out there. Just as famous as flowers of bright colors like yellow and pink, red beauties are fit for just about any occasion of any day. Other flowers are also a beauty but none can match these delicate blooms.
With an iconic meaning and extremely high demand in the market, here is a list of just some of these gorgeous flowers painted red.
Meaning of the Color Red
When giving meaning to colorful blooms, people most often associate these with emotion or memory. The red color is often associated with one’s deepest emotional desires.
In some cases like the religious faith, red is expressed as the blood of Christ. This color is also popularly referred to as the color of ardent love, passion, and desire. Trendy during the months of Valentine’s and Christmas!
Guide to Giving Red Flowers
When giving red flowers, a simple thought should come to mind. What emotions are you feeling towards the person? If you feel that passionate desire or love and maybe even just an emotion of pure care, then red flowers are a perfect choice!
Blossoms of this color make excellent cut flowers for any floral arrangements. In fact, the most popular floral arrangement where red flowers are centered in is Valentine’s or wedding bouquets. Combining red blooms with other colorful flowers can send an even more meaningful message.
Whenever you need a flower to express anything raw and powerful coming from the heart, then almost any red flower can do just that – even dead flowers of this color have a powerful meaning!
A List of Amazing Red Flowers
Here are some amazing red flower names and types:
#1. Amaranthus
Amaranthus tricolor or commonly known as Amaranthus or Joseph’s coat is an annual garden plant cultivated for its beautiful foliage. It has light green leaves with tiny green or red flowers.
#2 Amaryllis
The Hippeastrum or common name Amaryllis is a flowering bulb plant native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Eastern Brazil, Central South Andes, further north of Mexico, and the West Indies.
It has trumpet-shaped flowers composed of 3 colored petals and sepals. Some species of the Hippeastrum serve as food for butterflies and moths in many butterfly gardens. In fact, these flowers can make for an amazing Christmas flower!
#3 Anemone
The Anemone ‘Red Riding Hood’ or Windflower is a rhizomatous perennial plant from the Ranunculaceae family. It is native to the northern temperate regions of the globe and typically blooms with five beautiful sepals.
#4 Anthurium
The Anthurium crassinervium is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Araceae family. It is native to northern South America and the Caribbean and is considered to be an exotic flower.
Thriving on other plants or bare rocks, these anthurium plants have beautiful flowers and bright red, oval-shaped fruits.
#5 Armeria
Armeria or Sea thrift or Sea pink plant is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Plumbaginaceae family. The red variety known as Armeria maritima ‘Rubrifolia’ has delicate red flowers blooming throughout the summer.
#6 Aster
The KICKIN ‘Carmine Red’ New England Asters are beautiful as they are dainty. It has red magenta flowers with a yellow button-cute center.
Asters belong to the Asteraceae family and are primarily native to North and South America as well as across Northern and Central Eurasia. These herbaceous perennial plants will flourish best as a border plant in well drained soil with full sun conditions.
#7 Azalea
The infamous Azalea or Rhododendron ‘Red red’ is an evergreen broadleaf of the Ericaceae family. It is primarily native to Western China, the Himalayas, and Myanmar. It is composed of captivating spring flowers with ruffled petals surrounded by attractive wintergreen foliage.
#8 Bee balm
The Scarlet Bee balm or wild Bergamot is a herbaceous perennial of the Lamiaceae family found mostly in the woodlands of North America.
The Monarda ‘Petite Red Supreme’ is a floral favorite of many friendly pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds.
#9 Begonia
Red Begonias are a hybrid of the tuberous variety, It belongs to the Begoniaceae and can either be an annual or perennial shrub or climbing vine.
The begonia flowers have waxy petals along with colorful leaves blooming from Summer to Fall.
#10 Bergenia
Bergenia ‘Abendglocken’ or Evening Bells are herbaceous perennials of the Saxifragaceae family. It is native to most areas of temperate Asia. The flowers appear like small, red roses above green stout stalks.
#11 Bleeding Heart
The Lamprocapnos spectabilis ‘Hordival’ Valentine and Dicentra ‘Red Fountain’ are herbaceous perennials of the Papaveraceae family.
Native to Japan and woodland areas of Asia, this bleeding heart plant has heart-shaped red flowers with white inner petals appearing like a bleeding heart.
#12 Calla Lily
Calla Lilies or scientifically known Zantedeschia rehmannii are flowering plants from the Araceae family. Primarily native to South Africa and Swaziland, these herbaceous perennial plants have a blooming period from July to September.
These flowers will make as a gorgeous addition to your garden plants if planted under full sun to partial shade areas with moist well-drained soil.
#13 Callistemon
Callistemon citrinus or the Crimson Bottlebrush is a broadleaf evergreen of the Myrtaceae family. It is native to Australia with flowers featuring attractive red flowers and bright red stamens. Surprisingly, the leaves have a delicate lemony scent.
#14 Camellia
Camellia japonica ‘Korean Fire’ is a broadleaf evergreen of the Theaceae family native to China and Japan. The camellia plant features attractive dark green foliage with red mildly aromatic flowers.
Its blooming season starts in April and will grow best in a partial shade area with moist well-drained soil.
#15 Canna
The beautiful Canna flowers are herbaceous perennials of the Cannaceae family. It is a rhizomatous tropical or subtropical that produces gorgeous floral spikes of red flowers during the summer.
#16 Cardinal Flower
The Cardinal flowers or Lobelia × speciosa Starship Scarlet is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Campanulaceae family. Its attractive green foliage with attractive red flowers bloom from July to September. These blossoms are also highly attractive to friendly pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds.
#17 Celosia
The Feather Celosia or Celosia argentea is a beautiful flowering plant from the Amaranthaceae family. It is an annual plant that can belong to either the Plumosa, Cristata or Spicata groups. The groups are distinguished by the different shapes of the velvety flowers.
#18 Chrysanthemum
The herbaceous Chrysanthemum ‘Yobra’ BRAVO is a variety of Chrysanthemums with a gorgeous bright, dark red flower. It is a perennial flowering plant hailing from the Asteraceae family. This hybrid blooms during Fall until Winter’s early frost.
#19 Clematis
Clematis ‘Rouge Cardinal’ is a type of flowering vine plant of the Ranunculaceae family. This red flower features either a flat, cupped, or bell shape. It is native to the Northern and Southern hemispheres including Europe, the Himalayas, China, Australasia, as well as North and Central Asia.
These flowers can be simply planted as a ground cover plant with medium moist soil under full sun to partial shade areas.
#20 Columbine
Also known as the State flower of Colorado, the Columbine is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family. The red Rocky Mountain Columbine or Aquilegia caerulea ‘Rotstern’ is a bushy plant with bicolored flowers of white petals and red sepals.
#21 Coneflower
A beautiful red-flowered hybrid of Coneflowers is the Echinacea purpurea ‘Balsomsed’ SOMBRERO SALSA RED. It is a stunning herby perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.
It is distinguished by its daisy-like flowers blooming through the Summer. A great fresh or dried flower arrangement, these blossoms are native to the meadows and woodlands of central to the southern United States.
#22 Corydalis
Also known as Fumewort, the Corydalis solida is an interesting herbaceous perennial of the Papaveraceae family. Native to Central and Western Asia and Europe, this plant produces gorgeous clusters of purplish-red flowers with lush green foliage blooming in the Spring.
#23 Cosmos
The cosmic flower of the universe, the Chocolate cosmos is a floral favorite. Cosmos atrosanguineus is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family native to Mexico. This cosmos plant features a rich reddish-brown flower smelling like sweet chocolate which blooms during early Summer to Fall.
#24 Crocosmia
The Crocosmia isn’t like the everyday flower you hear about. Crocosmia pottsii or Montbretia is a flowering bulbous plant of the Iridaceae family. Native to the rich grasslands and along streams of South Africa, this plant features a deep orange flower with flashes of red streaks.
#25 Crown of thorns
The Crown of Thorns or Christ’s Thorn (Euphorbia milii) is an evergreen shrub native to the paradise of Madagascar. This perennial shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family has small, delicate flowers blooming in clusters enclosed by two showy light red bracts.
#26 Dahlia
The Dahlias are delicate flowers native to Mexico and Central America. It is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.
Distantly related to Asters and Daisies, this Dahlia has beautiful red petals and a bright yellow making it a floral favorite of many florists.
#27 Daylily
This beautiful Daylily is known as Hemerocallis ‘Warrior Prince’ is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Asphodelaceae family native to Asia and Central Europe.
It is famously called the Daylily because it typically remains in bloom for just one day – on rare occasions, sometimes two days! The flowers are lightly fragrant and bloom in the early mid-season.
#28 Dianthus
The Dianthus barbatus or popularly known as the Sweet William is native to Western Asia, Eastern Europe, and Korea.
It is a flowering herbaceous perennial of the Caryophyllaceae family distinguished by its small flowers with fringed petals in a small cluster. The flowers bloom during late Spring until early Summer and produce a slight fragrance.
#29 Freesia (Freesia)
Freesia bulbs produce beautiful bright red flowers with a hint of sweet lemony fragrance. Native to South Africa, these perennial flowers have funnel-shaped blossoms proving to be many florists’ favorite.
It belongs to the Iris family and is commonly cultivated during the late summer to bloom during some time in winter. It’s also important to note that Freesias typically produce flowers 10-12 weeks after planting and are perfect for a fall garden!
#30 Gaillardia
Another unique red flower on the list is the Gaillardia aristata ‘Bijou’. Also known as the Blanket Flower, it is composed of red-orange daisy-like flowers with yellow tips. These herbaceous perennials from the Asteraceae family bloom during the late Spring to early Fall.
Native to North Dakota, Colorado, California, and British Columbia, the Gaillardia is very attractive to butterflies, birds, and bees!
#31 Geranium
The Pelargonium × domesticum or commonly known as the Regal Geranium is an herbaceous perennial of the Geraniaceae family. The variety originates from the garden hybridization of P. grandiflorum and P. cucullatum.
This magnificent Geranium has showy red flowers with speckled marks or splotches on the petals blooming in delicate floral clusters.
#32 Gerbera Daisy
Undoubtedly one of the most popular red flowers in the world of flora, the Gerbera Daisies or Barberton Daisies (Gerbera jamesonii) is an herby perennial plant of the Aster family. Native to the paradise of Swaziland and South Africa, these single or double-rayed flowers come in a bright red color.
#33 Gladiolus
The Cliff Gladiolus (Gladiolus carmineus) is a beautiful red flowering bulb plant of the Iris family. The Gladioli or commonly called the Sword flower is native to South Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Arabian Peninsula. The flowers are funnel-shaped accompanied by sword-like green leaves blooming from Summer to Fall.
#34 Gloxinia
If you’re looking for a unique flower, the Gloxinia should be one you consider! Gloxinia or Sinningia speciosa is a flowering bulb of the Gesneriaceae family native to Brazil. The flowers showcase a trumpet shape with brightly colored red petals.
#35 Hellebores
The Hellebores or more commonly known as the Lenten Rose is an herbaceous perennial of the Ranunculus family. The red Hellebore (Helleborus × hybridus ‘Red Lady’) is a hybrid of crosses of Lenten Roses and the Winter Roses.
The burgundy-red flowers bloom during the late Winter to early Spring and are accompanied by glossy, leather-like green leaves. Another type, the Helleborus ‘Red Racer’ features velvet-like burgundy red flowers blooming during late Winter.
#36 Hibiscus
Hibiscus flowers are more famously known as Swamp Mallows. Known scientifically as Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Luna Red’, this herbaceous perennial of the Malvaceae family is native to swamps and moist areas of Canada and the United States.
The flowers are wide and feature overlapping petals of a deep red burgundy color. These blooming beauties are admired from July to September.
#37 Hyacinth
Red Hyacinths are also known as the Dutch or Garden Hyacinth. The Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Woodstock’ is a flowering bulb of the Asparagaceae family. These floral beauties are red-purple in color and are greatly admired for their strong yet delicate fragrance.
#38 Hydrangea
The red Bigleaf Hydrangea or Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Glowing Embers’ is a deciduous herb of the Hydrangeaceae family.
The hydrangea plant features large bundles of flattened or globose red showy yet sterile flowers.
#39 Iris (Iris)
The red Iris is truly an exquisite flower to behold. The Iris ‘Professor Neil’ is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Iris family that s native to the swamps and riversides of Louisiana, Florida, Carolina, and the Mississippi River.
The flowers feature a delicate fragrance and a bright red color attractive to hummingbirds and other pollinators.
#40 Jatropha
The Peregrina or Spicy Jatropha (Jatropha integerrima) is a beautiful perennial tree or shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. The plant is native to the West Indies and Cuba and features male and female flowers on the same plant.
#41 Kalanchoe
The red Florist Kalanchoe or Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is a dark luscious green succulent perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family. The plant is native to Madagascar and produces large red flower heads above beautiful green foliage.
#42 Lilium
The Orienpet Lily or the Lilium ‘American Heritage’ is a flowering bulb plant of the Liliaceae family. It is an herby perennial native to regions of Europe, North America, and Asia. Liliums come in trumpet, funny, cup, bell, or flat shapes or bright and dark colors. The blossoms when fresh in bloom are softly fragrant and come in all colors except blue.
#43 Lycoris
This isn’t what you think it is, the Lycoris flower is very different from the Licorice candy! Also known as the red Spider Lily or Lycoris radiata, this red flowering bulb plant of the Amaryllidaceae is native to Japan. The flowers bloom during the late Summer until the early Fall season and feature a flowerhead of beautiful red flowers.
#44 Marigold
The French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) are dainty annual flowering plants of the Asteraceae family. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, this plant features flowers with a sweet fragrance and rich red petal color. The leaves growing around the plants are also aromatic.
#45 Mask Flower
The Mask flowers, also known as Alonsoa, are perennial or annual plants native to Central or Western South America. It belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family and will be an excellent addition in flower beds.
When planting these flowers, soils must be moist, light, and well-drained. They can be planted under full sun or partial shade areas but avoid direct sunlight that causes scalding.
#46 Morning glory
The Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea × multifida) is an annual twining vine of the Convolvulus family. The plant’s flowers come from the cross of two Ipomoea species – the Cypress vine and the Scarlet Morning Glory.
The flowers are tubular-shaped with bright red petals which are very attractive to pollinators.
#47 Oleander
The Oleander (Nerium oleander ‘Calypso’) is a beautiful plant featuring red tubular flowers with five lobes that are softly scented. It is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Apocynaceae family and is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean.
#48 Pansy
Pansies are also known as Violets. They are herbaceous perennials of the Violet family found growing all over the world. The flowers are large and rose-red in color and bloom during the Spring. It is surrounded by oval or heart-shaped green leaves.
#49 Passiflora
The Passiflora or Red Passionflower/ Granadilla (Passiflora coccinea) is an evergreen vine of the Passifloraceae family. It is mostly native to areas of South America Guianas, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil.
The plant presents extra showy deep red flowers with the famous passion fruit fruiting shortly after. Its beautiful red flowers attract pollinators and also have a rich history of the Christian religion. Many believe the flowers are symbolic of the crucifixion of Christ.
#50 Pentas
The Pentas or Egyptian Starflower (Pentas lanceolata) is an herbaceous perennial shrub of the Rubiaceae family.
Native to the Arabian peninsula and East Africa, the plant’s flowers showcase blooming star-like flowers with rich dark green foliage. Depending on the climate of the region, Pentas flowers can be annual or perennial shrubs.
#51 Peony
The Chinese Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) is a shrub-like herby perennial of the Paeoniaceae family. The plant is primarily native to Tibet, China, and Siberia and showcases bowl-shaped flowers with crimson red petals and bright yellow stamens.
Some cultivars of the Peonies are fragrant.
#52 Periwinkle
The Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus Pacifica XP Cranberry Vinca) is a hybrid variety. It is an herby perennial of the Apocynaceae family.
As its name implies, it is native to Madagascar and greatly attracted bees and butterflies. The flowers are dainty and appear Phlox-like when in bloom.
#53 Petunia
The Petunia (Petunia atkinsiana) is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Nightshade family. Often also cultivated as an annual bedding plant, the Petunia flowers feature funnel-shaped single or double flowers blooming in all colors except brown and black.
#54 Poppy
The Corn Poppies or also known as Red Poppies are flowers just as adorable as their name! Known as Papaver rhoeas, it belongs to the Papaveraceae family and is native to most regions of Europe and Asia.
The poppy flowers present scarlet red petals blooming during the late Spring to mid-Summer. The main floral color is bright red but some Petunias come in other colors such as purple, pink, and white.
#55 Prickly Pear
The Prickly Pear (Opuntia humifusa) has flowers just as unique as its name. It only has three colorful blooms and appears shaped like a pear and surrounded by thorns. This unique plant’s flowers feature yellow flowers with a bright red eye blooming from June to July.
It is an herbaceous perennial of the Cactaceae family – yes, it’s a cactus! Such plants are native to the Central and Eastern United States and are best scaped into rock gardens!
#56 Primrose
The red Primrose (Primula ‘Alejandra’) is a widely distributed herby perennial plant in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Primrose belongs to the Primulaceae family and often features rose-like flowers.
The red Primrose is a dwarf cultivar with a strong red color and yellow budding eyes with green rosette leaves that bloom during April.
#57 Red Sunflower
You read that right – the red Sunflower! Yes, Sunflowers don’t only come in yellow! It actually also comes in red and orange! The Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual flowering plant of the Asteraceae family. It is native to the United States and Central America.
The flowers present talk, upright stalks holding atop red floral heads with brown centers. You can enjoy this beauty during the Summer!
#58 Red Trumpet Creeper
The Trumpet Creeper (Campsis radicans) is a trumpet vine of the Bignoniaceae family. It is found in the Southeastern regions of the United States.
The flower showcases clusters of red trumpet-like flowers blooming the whole Summer. These blossoms also attract hummingbirds!
#59 Red Valerian
Scientifically known as Centranthus ruber var. Coccineu, the red Valerian is an herbaceous perennial of the Caprifoliaceae family. Also known as Jupiter’s beard, the plant is native to the Mediterranean.
Something uniquely special about this plant is its ability to flower even in the poorest soil conditions. The flowers during bloom are fragrant and have dandelion-like similarities.
#60 Rose
The most popular flower in the world has to be the red rose. Also known as the Rosa ‘Meipeporia’ OSO EASY DOUBLE RED, this deciduous flowering shrub belongs to the Rosaceae family.
The Rose is very much notable for its beautiful flower and a slight fragrance.
#61 Royal Poinciana
This flowering tree is truly a sight to behold when in bloom. Also known as the Flamboyant (Delonix regia), the plant is native to Madagascar and belongs to the Fabaceae family. When in bloom, the tree produces gorgeous red-orange flowers and mimosa-like leaves.
#62 Salvia
The Salvia greggii ‘Radio Red’ is also known as the Autumn or Chihuahuan Sage. It is an herbaceous perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family native to Texas and northern Mexico.
This herby perennial blooms from June to October showcasing beautiful red flowers. Such flowers are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.
#63 Snapdragon
The Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) is a herby perennial of the Plantaginaceae family. The plant is native to Southwestern Europe. Its name takes after its interesting dragon-like floral shape and rich dark glossy green leaves.
#64 Streptocarpus
Another flower named Primrose is the Streptocarpus or more commonly known as the Cape Primrose. It is another herby perennial of the Gesneriaceae family native to the mountain slopes of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.
The flowers are arranged in a long tube-like shape with five petals atop tall stems.
#65 Sweet Pea
The Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is a flower that is just as delightful as its name. This annual flowering plant of the Fabaceae family is primarily native to Crete, Italy, and Sicily.
The plant features very delicate and fragrant flowers on winged stems.
#66 Tickseed
As odd as the name sounds, red Tickseed flowers are quite extraordinary. Tickseed flowers (Coreopsis ‘Red Elf’) are herby perennials of the Aster family native to North America, Mexico, Central, and South America.
The flowers feature deep burgundy-red floral petals with bright yellow centers. It blooms during the Summer to Fall and is appealing to pollinators. You can use these flowers as an alternative to Daisy or Dahlia bouquet arrangements!
#67 Touch me not
The famous Touch me not plant (Impatiens balsamina L,) is also known as the Garden or Rose Balsam. It is an annual herb with showy flowers and lanced-shaped leaves. Some species are native to some areas of North America.
#68 Tulip

No doubt that Tulip flowers are a floral favorite. A red Tulip (Tulipa ‘Red Riding Hood’) is a bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family native to alpine regions in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and diversifying to Central Asia.
The flowers resemble a teardrop shape with single or double petals and begin to bloom in April.
#69 Verbena
The red Verbena is a captivating red flower. Known as Verbena ‘Homestead Carpet Red’, this variety is an herby perennial plant of the Verbenaceae family. It is native to temperate and tropical areas of the Americas and some regions in Southern Europe.
The flowers are a vibrant red in color formed in clusters with green leaves.
#70 Yarrow
Red Yarrows (Achillea millefolium ‘Red Beauty’) are rhizomatous perennials known as a weed by some. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is distinguished by its red flowers and fragrant foliage.
The flowers have a long blooming period starting from the summer usually lasting 6 to 8 weeks! Its cluster of flowers are accompanied by
#71 Zinnia
The bright Zinnias are the last on the list of red flowers. Also known as the creeping or Mexican Zinnia, this bushy annual flowering plant of the Asteraceae family is native to the South of the United States and Mexico.
The zinnia flowers appear as daisy-like blossoms with bright red petals and hairy, branching stems.
There are many more red flowers out there than what’s on this list – that’s for sure! This list features just a few of those beautiful flowers you can use as an idea for your next floral arrangement. If you’re looking for a substitute for the red Rose or Tulip, then you just might find your new favorite flower on this list!
*image by Patryk_Kosmider/depositphotos