3 Ways to Propagate Pothos Successfully

Epipremnum aureum, commonly referred to as pothos, Devil’s ivy or golden ivy, is a popular choice for plant owners looking for a resilient and beautiful indoor perennial. One of the reasons they are so loved in the plant community is because of their ability to be easily propagated. 

In a few simple steps, you can begin to grow your own golden ivy right from your main plant. Here is everything you need to know about pothos propagation and the three different methods you can use!

How to Propagate Pothos

Pothos can be propagated by rooting cuttings in water, in soil, or in the soil while they are still attached to their mother plant. Each method works well and if done correctly, should produce a lovely new ivy. 

Make sure you’re propagating pothos during the spring. This is the most effective time for pothos because it is during their growing season. This time period will produce the best results!

Method 1: Rooting in Water

The first method, rooting in water, is the easiest and gives you the opportunity to slowly watch the roots grow. If you’re curious to see how roots form, this method is a fantastic choice! 

  • Step One: First you’ll need to grab your pothos, a glass mason jar or cup, sterilized scissors, and filtered water.
  • Step Two: Look for a healthy, vibrant stem and cut about five inches in length. Make sure there is at least one node on the stem, there can be more than one if you’d like.
  • Step Three: Put your cutting into your glass container filled with water. 
  • Step Four: Place your ivy somewhere with bright indirect sunlight and watch it grow for 1 to 2 weeks. Replace the water every three to five days.
  • Step Five: Once your cutting has grown 1 to 2 inches of roots, you can move your plant into a container with soil. 

See more: How to grow pothos in water

Method 2: Rooting in Soil

Rooting your cutting in the soil is another great and relatively easy method that should produce good results if done correctly! If you choose this method, you’re going to need to pay close attention to the plant’s soil, humidity, and water. 

As long as you take care of your cutting properly, it will grow strong and healthy. With this method, you won’t need to repot your plant until it outgrows its container.

  • Step One: Get all of the materials you’ll need including your main plant, sterilized scissors, a pot, fresh potting mix, fertilizer, and water.
  • Step Two: Just like method one, you’re going to want to cut a stem roughly five inches long making sure that there is at least one node included in your cutting.
  • Step Three: Plant your cutting in a small terracotta container with fresh potting mix. A well-draining potting mix with a pH between 6.0-6.5 works very well for pothos.
  • Step Four: Fertilize your new plant with a liquid balanced 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer and water right away. Avoid overwatering but make sure the soil is damp as it will be in desperate need of moisture! 
  • Step Five: Place your pothos in a room with bright indirect sunlight and repot once the ivy becomes root-bound. 

Method 3: Rooting in Soil While Attached to Main Plant

The final method is rooting in the soil while the stem is still attached to the main plant. Even though this is a less popular way of propagating, it is straightforward and will ensure your plant is getting enough nutrients. As long as your main plant is flourishing, propagating using this method should work great.

  • Step One: With this method, you’ll need your main plant, water, a pot, fresh potting mix, and sterilized scissors.
  • Step Two: Fill a small container with fresh potting mix and lay a stem with one or two nodes on top of the soil remembering to keep the stem attached to the main plant. 
  • Step Three: Water frequently making sure that the top of the soil is always damp (not soggy). 
  • Step Four: Place your plant in bright indirect sunlight and allow the roots to grow for about two weeks. 
  • Step Five: Use clean scissors or shears to detach your main plant from your new plant!

Pothos Cuttings Won’t Grow

If you notice that your Devil’s ivy cuttings don’t seem to be growing, there could be a problem with the node, stem length, temperature, water, or light. Fortunately, these issues can be quickly fixed!


The node is the section of the plant where the leaf and stem intersect. It will look like a brown or green bump. 

This node is where the roots will begin to grow and is an essential part of your cutting. Without it, the roots and new vine will not be able to form. If your cutting is missing a node, you should cut a new one right away so that you can try and propagate your plant again!

Stem Length 

If your cuttings are too long, they will most likely dry out and start wilting. This is because the only source of moisture they’re getting is from the root tip. 

Make sure your cutting is around 4 to 6 inches and this shouldn’t be a problem!


Pothos can only grow when their environment is between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your cuttings in a warm environment will ensure that the roots don’t get too cold and freeze. Above 65 degrees is preferred. 


If you’re rooting your cuttings in water, you’ll need to change it once every 3-5 days. Not only will this help keep the oxygen levels high, but it will also keep the roots and jar clean.

Whether you’re rooting in water or soil, use filtered water to avoid any chemicals from damaging the stem and new roots. 


Just like your pothos needs consistent amounts of bright indirect sunlight, so do your cuttings. Place your pot or glass container near a window to encourage fast growth.


How long does pothos take to root in water?

It can take anywhere from one to two weeks for pothos to root in water. Every cutting will grow at a different rate, but you should at least be seeing some progress in this time frame.

Can you propagate pothos from a leaf?

In order to successfully propagate pothos, the cutting needs to include a stem and node. Otherwise, no roots will be able to form.

Can you propagate a long pothos vine?

Pothos cuttings should be 4 to 6 inches in length so that the end of the cutting doesn’t dry out and die.

How long should pothos roots be before planting?

Pothos’ roots need to be about 1 to 2 inches long before planting. 

Should I propagate my pothos?

If your pothos has reached maturity and you would like to grow more vines, absolutely propagate your plant! If you’re wanting to manage your plant size and don’t want to grow any new plants, consider simply trimming and pruning.

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~ image source: depositphotos/lipa23.ukr.net