The manjula pothos was first produced by horticulturists at the University of Florida. Scientifically referred to as Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula,’ this variety has large heart-shaped leaves that are known to be very soft in texture.
Their foliage has large patches of white and cream so they do require a little bit more light compared to other varieties. Remember that even though pothos requires very little attention, you’ll still want to meet your plant’s needs in order for it to stay strong and healthy.
Here is everything you need to know about how to care for a pothos plant and help your pothos succeed!
How to Plant and Grow
Just like the other varieties, the manjula pothos can be grown in a few different environments. They love to live in indoor terracotta pots, hanging baskets, outdoor planters, directly in the ground, along walls, or even in aquariums.
If you live in USDA hardiness zones 11 and 12, your pothos can happily grow outside. Because this more accurately mimics Epipremnum aureum’s natural habitat, the Solomon Islands, they can grow up to 40 feet outdoors. This can give your backyard, garden, or deck an undeniably beautiful tropical appearance!
How to Propagate
When you fall in love with your manjula, you may feel the need to start growing more and more! Luckily, propagating these plants is an extremely easy process. Follow these super easy few steps and you’ll have a lovely supply of pothos for yourself and for all of your friends and family.
Step One
First things first, you’ll need a pair of sterilized scissors, a small glass or vase filled with water (make sure not to use soft water), and your main plant.
Step Two
Locate a healthy-looking vine with upwards of 6 leaves on it! Cut it off as close to the base of the stem as you can.
Step Three
During step three you’ll want to cut each leaf off of the vine. Make sure you include the leaf node. The leaf node is where the new roots will grow which is why they are an absolutely crucial element.
Step Four
Place your fresh cuttings into your glass container and let them sit there anywhere from one to four weeks. Their roots should be 1 to 2 inches when you decide to pot your new ivy. Don’t forget to change the water at least once a week.
Step Five
You just finished propagating your manjula! Pot your new plant into soil, a nice glass vase, or directly into an aquarium and watch it beautifully grow. Water and fertilize your pothos right away making sure you are using the correct amounts.
Every two to three years your manjula will need to be repotted into a larger container. This is a great time to propagate and/or prune your plant if it’s overgrown or slightly damaged.
If the roots of your pothos are growing out of control either at the bottom of the pot or on top of the soil, it is definitely rootbound. All you need to do is find a container 1 to 2 inches larger than its current one and get some fresh potting mix.
Remove your vine carefully from its old pot. If the pothos gets stuck, simply scrape along the edges until it slowly comes out. Don’t be too aggressive with the removal or else the roots may become damaged. Top off with fresh potting mix and pack down the soil gently removing any air bubbles.

Care and Maintenance
Caring for the manjula variety is very similar to caring for other types of pothos. This means it is super easy! Even the most beginner plant parents can do it. Follow these guidelines for the fastest and healthiest growth.
Pot your vine in a slightly acidic well-draining potting soil with a pH of 6.1-6.5. Using loamy soil will help avoid overwatering and rotting issues. While an African violet potting mix is a fantastic option for your pothos, you can also mix your own using 2 parts peat moss and 1 part perlite. Combining your own potting soil will ensure your plant has the perfect amount of acidity, loaminess, and nutrients.
As with the other varieties, the manjula pothos needs to be watered a couple times a month. Pothos can survive being underwatered for short periods of time but will have a hard time recovering from overwatering. If the soil gets soggy, you’ll need to repot with fresh soil right away.
Test the moisture of your vine every week to avoid overwatering and underwatering! Only the top inch of your plant’s soil needs to dry out between each watering.
Feed your manjula with a balanced 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during their growing season. You should fertilize your pothos from the beginning of spring to the beginning of fall.
The manjula variety is a slow grower due to its variegation so don’t be worried if it isn’t growing at the rate you desire. Over-fertilizing can cause mineral build up and slow down growth even further. Feed accordingly for a healthy houseplant!
Pruning your manjula correctly will improve growth, manage its size, and get rid of any unwanted damaged or overgrown stems. Grab a pair of sterilized scissors and cut back your pothos as close to the base of the plant as possible. Prune during the growing season in order for your plant to regrow quickly and without too much stress.
Place your manjula in a room or area that receives bright, indirect light. While direct light will cause cracking and scorched leaves, too little light will cause the manjula to lose its colour. High amount of sun exposure is important for your manjula to flourish.
Humidity and Temperature
These vines prefer to live in semi-humid environments. If you live in a dry area, you can move your manjula next to other plants, occasionally mist it, or even place a humidifier next to it.
Make sure your manjula lives in a climate between 60 to 80 degrees. Pothos are content in moderate to warm temperatures. Stunted growth will occur if your plant’s immediate environment becomes too hot or too cold.
Pests and Diseases
Mealybugs, scales, and fungus gnats can become quite frustrating pests for your pothos. When infestations persist, your plant may stop growing, turn brown, or have weakened roots.
Fortunately, pests and diseases can be taken care of very quickly. Simply rinse your plant with water or wipe it down with rubbing alcohol. If the infestation doesn’t go away, rinse again and repot in a clean pot with fresh potting soil.
It’s a general rule that manjula pothos should be kept far away from children, cats, dogs, and any other pets you may have. If ingested, pothos can cause skin irritation, reddening and swelling of the mouth, burning sensations, and vomiting.
While it is likely this won’t be fatal, call poison control if ingested by a human and call your local vet if ingested by an animal. This could potentially save your pet from having long-term and life-threatening kidney damage.
Uses of Manjula Pothos
These pothos look wonderful in bright homes with large windows and open concept rooms. They can also add life and joy to any public space or office.
If you’re looking to boost a friend or family member’s mood, this variety of pothos makes for a fabulous present!
Choosing a manjula pothos for your next houseplant is a no-brainer! They are beautiful, easy to take care of, and grow into lovely mature vines. Whether you’re a beginner plant owner or are a professional in the field, these plants are perfect.
Follow the above guide to caring for your manjula and watch your plant grow into the most impeccable ivy!
See many different types of pothos plants you can grow.
~ image source: depositphotos/firn