19 Flowers That Begin With L

It may be time for a change in your garden, or perhaps you’re a new gardener who’s excited to start creating your dream outdoor space. One thing is for sure, all the researching and choosing of plants and flowers can seem a little overwhelming at first, after all, there are so many! Where should you start?

This short and sweet list of 19 flowers that start with the letter L is the perfect introduction for new green thumbs and seasoned gardeners alike! You should be able to tell at a glance if some of these garden flowers will suit your garden and maybe even learn about a few new plants too!

#1 Lacy Phacelia

Lacy phacelia, which also goes by the common names blue tansy, bee phacelia, and lacy scorpion-weed, is a beautiful annual that originates from California and parts of Mexico. It is hugely popular in Europe for meadow and pollinator gardens, as its flowers are extremely attractive to bees! 

These plants have a long blooming season over spring and summer, producing fuzzy little clusters of purple-blue bell-shaped flowers with long, conspicuous dark purple stamens. Lady phacelias are easy to grow from seeds and will thrive in sandy, rocky soils under full sun conditions.  

#2 Lady’s Mantle

Lady’s mantle plants are a group of around 300 or so species that belong to the group Alchemilla. These beautiful plants are found worldwide but are most common in Europe and Asia. Several species have been highly cultivated as garden ornamentals for their sprays of greenish-yellow flowers. 

The most well-known in this group is A. mollis, a top choice among gardeners for cottage-style gardens. Like other members of the genus, it is a herbaceous perennial and has delicate clouds of chartreuse flowers. These plants form clumps up to 15 inches tall and are wonderful as a bed filler amongst more showy plants! 

#3 Ladybells

These plants belong to the genus Adenephora but are very similar to another group of lovely garden ornamentals, Campanula. There are 60 species in the group, and they are native to cool regions of Europe and Asia. The majority of ladybells have pretty blue bell-shaped flowers that grow along spikes or in loose clusters. 

Depending on the species, flower color can range from dark blue to pale violet. Since the group is large, different ladybells suit different climates. For example, A. confusa and A. lilifolia are hardy in USDA zones 3-7, whereas A. pereskiifolia are more suited for warmer weather being hardy in zones 7-9. These perennials are great for shady woodland areas or for planting around shrubs!

#4 Lantana

Lantana flowers belong to the verbena family and are a large collection of over 150 flowering evergreen shrubs. These wonderful flowers are native to tropical Africa and America, so are normally grown as annuals in colder climates. These plants are well-suited to container planting so their brightly colored flowers are fantastic for adding a pop of color to patios or balconies!  

They have long-lasting, vivid, tubular flowers that grow in tight little clusters. As their individual flowers mature, they change color, leading to an attractive bi-colored effect on their flowerheads! Lantanas are incredibly versatile, looking incredible in both tropical and cottage-style garden schemes. 

#5 Lamb’s Ear

Lamb’s ear is a fantastic herbaceous perennial for providing some ground cover! They belong to the mint family, Lamiaceae, and are native to the Middle East. They are relatively low-growing, only reaching 1.5 feet high, and have soft, velvet, silvery gray leaves. These plants get their common name because their fuzzy leaves are said to resemble a lamb’s ears! 

These plants are prized mostly for their foliage, but in late spring to early summer, they produce little purple-pink flowers on stems that rise above the foliage. Since their flowers aren’t particularly spectacular, many gardeners remove them come blooming time to enhance the plant’s effect as ground cover.

#6 Larkspurs

Larkspurs are showy annuals that belong to the genus Consolida. They are often confused with delphiniums due to their similar appearance, however, larkspurs are botanically a separate species. Over summer, they have beautiful spikes that are adorned with delphinium-like flowers!

C. ajacis, or the common larkspur, is one of the most commonly grown in the group and will grow as tall as 4 feet with blue, pink, or white flowers. Larkspurs are perfect for cottage-style garden borders and will do well in full sunshine, tolerating some light afternoon shade in particularly warm climates. 

#7 Lavender

These evergreen shrubs have probably one of the most recognizable scents in the world and are native to the Mediterranean and bordering countries. There are 30 species in the genus Lavandula, which is within the mint family. Lavender bushes are extremely distinct, with gray-green leaves and purple flower stalks growing at the tip of bare stalks. 

Some of the most widely cultivated species are French lavender (L. stoechas), English lavender (L. angustifolia), and woolly lavender (L. lanata). Although these wonderful shrubs are grown commercially on a large scale, lavender is still incredibly well-loved by gardeners, particularly for cottage-style and coastal gardens. 

#8 Liatris

Liatris plants, commonly known as blazing stars or gay feathers are part of the genus Liatris. This genus comprises around 40 species, all of which are perennials that are native to North America. In the past, these plants were most well-known under the name colic root, which refers to their medicinal properties. 

These clump-forming plants grow up to 5 feet tall depending on the species, and are brilliant for adding height and texture to butterfly, meadow, and cottage-style garden borders! Over summer, they have bold flower spikes that have a bottle-brush appearance and are tightly packed with either pink, purple, or white feathery disc flowers.

#9 Ligularia

This group of roughly 150 species is also known as leopard plants. They grow between 3 and 6 feet tall, with bold green to dark purple foliage and yellow to orange colored daisy-like flowers. Their flowers either grow in flat-topped clusters, narrow flower spikes, or tall tapered flower spikes.

Ligularias are mostly native to Asia and are winter hardy in zones 4-8. They do well in heavy shade and wet soils, making them particularly well-suited for moist woodland gardens, shady rain gardens, or pond and stream landscaping!  

#10 Lily

These plants hardly need introduction as they are one the most famous bulbous perennials, but lilies, from the genus Lilium, are a group of between 80 and 100 species. The common name lily is often used to describe plants from other genera with lily-like qualities, but true lilies are upright plants, usually with narrow leaves, and solitary or clustered trumpet-shaped flowers that have 6 petal-like segments. 

Most species prefer porous soils with good drainage and will flower in the summertime. Several species are highly cultivated as garden ornamentals, as houseplants, and for the florist industry. Their flowers come in many vivid shades such as white, pink, orange, yellow, and red!

#11 Lily Of The Valley

A top contender for shade, woodland, and rock gardens, the lily of the valley, Convallaria majalis, is a low-growing perennial reaching a maximum of 10 inches. They are great for ground cover due to their spreading habit which can be rapid under optimum conditions. These cool-weather plants are suited for USDA zones 3-8 and will not do well in hot or humid climates. 

They have delicate, white, bell-shaped flowers that hang down on one side of slender, arching stalks and bloom in spring. Their fragrant flowers contrast nicely against their rich green leaves. 

#12 Lobelia

Lobelias are an extremely large genus comprising more than 400 flowering annuals and perennials. The genus is extremely varied and can be found worldwide in both temperate and tropical areas, excluding western Asia and central and eastern Europe. Several species are prized as garden ornaments for their beautiful flowers. 

Of these, the cardinal flower (L. cardinalis) and the trailing lobelia (L. erinus) are hugely popular. The trailing lobelia is a compact, tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual in colder climates. It is perfect for hanging baskets and produces masses of white, pink, blue, purple, and reddish-purple flowers with yellow or white throats from spring through to the first frosts!

#13 Lobster Claw Plants

Lobster claw plants or the false bird of paradise are a must-have plant for any tropical planting scheme. They belong to the group Heliconia which is full of exotic and vibrant flowering plants! This plant is the national flower of Bolivia and is a herbaceous perennial that produces extremely unique flowers throughout the year in tropical climates. 

They are the most cold-tolerant within the Heliconia group and can withstand temperatures down to 59°F. Their eye-catching, waxy bracts resemble lobster’s claws that hang down from a central stem. These bracts are vivid red with greenish-yellow tips and surround modest yellow-white flowers. 

#14 Lords and Ladies

Sometimes called cuckoopint, lords and ladies are shade-loving perennials that can be found throughout Europe, north Turkey, and west Caucasia. These plants are highly poisonous to people and animals, but that hasn’t stopped them from being a top choice for woodland and shade garden borders! 

Their flowers bloom from April to May, with a pale yellow to deep purple spadix that is surrounded by a pale to mid-green spathe. Once the blooming season is over, the spathe withers to reveal a cluster of attractive, bright red, but highly poisonous berries. Lords and ladies plants tend to self-seed under optimum conditions, so can become a nuisance.  

#15 Lotus

The common name “lotus” refers to any plant from the genus Nelumbo, although it is also widely used to describe various other species. The most famous lotus flower is Nelumbo nucifera, also called the sacred lotus, Chinese water lily, and the Indian lotus. These herbaceous perennials are water plants that have extreme significance in both Buddhist and Hindu cultures. 

They have recognizable lotus-form flowers that are white or pink and can grow between 8 and 12 inches in diameter! Their fragrant flowers bloom in summer and last for three days, opening during the day and closing at night. Lotus plants also have large, rounded green leaves that can be up to 2 feet wide! 

#16 Love-Lies Bleeding

Love-lies bleeding or Amaranthus caudatus is a showy annual native to South America. These unusual plants are easy to grow, requiring full sun to part shade, and will do well in pots or hanging baskets where their unusual flower can trail over the edge of their container. These plants will grow as tall as 5 feet, flowering in summer and fall. 

Their flowers are extremely unique, and grow in dense clusters on drooping, tassel-like panicles that can extend down to 24 inches! Their flowers are deep pinkish-red and will retain their vibrant color even when cut, making them ideal for dried flower arrangements!

#17 Lungwort

The common name lungwort refers to any member of the genus Pulmonaria, but the most well-known in the group is P. officianalis, or the common lungwort. These plants are extremely widespread in Europe, growing in open woods and thickets. They are also well-loved as garden flowers due to their pretty pink flowers that turn blue with maturity, and white-spotted leaves!

Plant them en masse in woodland or shade gardens for attractive ground cover!

#18 Lupine

Lupine plants belong to the genus Lupinus, and are roughly 200 species, many of which are grown as popular garden ornamentals. They are absolute favorites for a cottage-style bedding scheme, or for adding height to borders! 

They have tall, showy spikes that are tightly packed with neat rows of pea-like flowers. Lupines come in a variety of shades, making this flower extremely versatile! Their brightly colored varieties are well suited for tropical gardens, whereas their softer shades look great in coastal or cottage-style gardens. 

#19 Lycoris

Members of the group Lycoris, are also called spider lilies, hurricane lilies, surprise lilies, and more! They are extremely striking bulbous perennials that will add an exotic flair to the garden. Lycoris flowers are native to China and Japan where they have been heavily cultivated. They have showy clusters of funnel-shaped flowers that have narrow petals and prominent stamens. 

They come in a variety of bright colors, including white, pink, red, yellow, and orange! They grow well in containers so are ideal for patios and city gardens, but also look wonderful in tropical or Mediterranean gardens.