21 Flowers That Start With A

Have you ever wondered just how many wonderful flower types there are out there to grow in the garden? The list seems to be endless with many incredible perennials, annuals, shrubs, trees, and vines, all with the most beautiful blooms!

If you’re thinking about starting a garden or changing up your current one, it can feel a little overwhelming to think about all the possibilities! To make it easier, here is a list of some fantastic flowering plants, all beginning with the letter A. 

#1 Achimenes

Achimenes are fantastic tropical perennials that have a compact growing habit and a tendency to trail, making them great container or hanging basket specimens! They also go by the common names hot water plant or nut orchid. 

They have showy flowers that bloom for a long period from late spring until fall. There are many species and varieties to choose from that come in a range of wonderful colors. Their blooms have long, tubular throats that flare out into a 5-petaled flower 

#2 African Daisy

African daisies are extremely popular and easy-to-grow plants! They are a group of around 70 species (plus many cultivars) and can be annuals, perennials, or shrubs. Loved for their masses of vibrant and bold daisy-form blooms, African daisies are also extremely versatile and will grow well in garden beds and containers. 

Their flowers emerge from early spring and will keep blooming until mid-summer. They come in a wide range of colors including white, pink, purple, yellow, and orange. Central discs are normally blue and change to yellow as pollen is produced. 

#3 African Lily

African lilies are tender perennials that, despite their nickname “lily-of-the-Nile”, actually come from South Africa! Their flowerheads consist of clusters of 20-100 delicate, funnel-shaped blooms that sit on top of a long stalk. They are typically blue, but beautiful purple and white cultivars also exist!

These plants are well-suited to container-growing, but also look sensational planted in small groups along borders! Varieties can range in height from 8 inches up to 5 feet high, so bear that in mind when deciding where to plant them. 

#4 Agastache

Also called giant hyssop or hummingbird mint, agastache plants are a part of the mint family and have showy, long-lasting flower spikes that will persist throughout the better part of summer! These perennials are a must-have in any pollinator garden and as their common name suggests, are well-loved by hummingbirds. 

Their fragrant blooms are densely packed on cylindrical flower spikes and come in white, blue, purple, pink, and red hues. Plant them en-masse for a breathtaking display or in containers to bring butterflies and bees into patio and city gardens!

#5 Ageratum

Ageratums, also known as floss flowers, are lovely annuals that have eye-catching fluffy flower heads made up of tight clusters of floss-like flowers! They are great at attracting pollinators into the garden, and not only do they look good in beds and borders, but they are well-suited to container-growing too.

Their fuzzy blooms are typically blue-purple, but white and pink cultivars can also be found. Grow them in full sun to partial shade, and bring them indoors as cut flowers to brighten up the home!

#6 Allium

Alliums are extremely well-loved ornamental bulbs and easily are recognized by their perfectly spherical flower heads that on closer inspection are made up of masses of little starry blooms! However, these aren’t their only form, Alliums can also have cup-shaped blooms or flowers that hang down. 

They can range in height and the size of their flowerheads, with some varieties having a flowerhead as large as a volleyball! These plants may also be referred to as ornamental onions, as they are in the same genus as onions, leeks, and garlic. Plant them in cottage-style or pollinator gardens. 

#7 Alstroemeria

Alstroemerias also go by the name Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas. These delightful plants are often seen in bouquets due to their attractive flowers and long vase life! They are tender perennials native to South America and have showy, funnel-shaped flowers that will bring bold color to borders.  

Blooms emerge in summer and come in several vivid shades such as white, pink, red, purple, orange, and yellow, often with a different colored throat that has dark streaks. For those who want to enjoy these stunning flowers but lack space, Peruvian lilies also make excellent container plants!  

#8 Alyssum

Alyssums, which are also commonly called sweet alyssums, are low-growing annuals or short-lived perennials that make the most beautiful groundcover! They are native to the Mediterranean and have clusters of fragrant, delicate flowers. 

Their small blooms will appear from spring and last until fall. Flowers can be pink, purple, or white, and look at home in Mediterranean, coastal, or rock gardens. Alyssums love the sun but should be planted with some shade in particularly hot and dry climates.

#9 Amarcrinum

Amarcrinum plants are tender, bulbous, perennials that are the hybrid crosses of Amaryllis and Crinum flowers. Grow them outdoors year-round in warm areas, otherwise plant them in containers for easy indoor overwintering. 

These plants are drought tolerant and produce small clusters of large, fragrant, lily form flowers in shades of white and pink! They will continue to bloom even in the height of summer and have blemish-free foliage. Their flowers are fantastic for adding interest to the border in late summer through to fall. 

#10 Amsonia

Amsonias have been given the common name blue star after their blue starry blooms. Their flowers grow in pretty clusters and appear from spring to summer. They have green foliage that, in some species, will turn a striking yellow in fall, adding to this plant’s appeal!

They are native to wooded areas so are tolerant of some light shade and are well-suited to woodland margins or wildflower gardens. White and purple varieties can also be found. 

#11 Angelita Daisy

The angelita daisy is a compact, sunny perennial with eye-catching yellow flowers. Its blooms have a typical daisy look, with sunshine-yellow outer rays and orangey-yellow centers! Flowers rise above the foliage on long stalks with up to 30 stems per clump. 

These plants are extremely tough, being cold, heat, and drought tolerant. Grow them in containers, rock gardens, or beds and borders in prairie-style displays. 

#12 Angelonia

Angelonias, sometimes called summer snapdragons, are relatively new ornamentals that were only introduced in the late 1990s! These tough plants are heat tolerant, and blooms can withstand the hot summers without fading, unlike their namesake snapdragons. 

These tender perennials are usually grown as annuals in cool climates and look wonderful at the back of the border or growing in pots. Their tubular, double-lipped flowers come in soft yet rich shades of white, purple, and pink, and have a fruit scent reminiscent of apples or grape soda!

#13 Annual Vinca

Annual vinca is a tender perennial that is often grown as an annual in colder regions. Also called the Madagascar periwinkle, it is often used in beds and borders for ground cover as it has a spreading habit. It will bloom all summer long with 5-petaled, flat-faced flowers that come in shades of white, pink, purple, and yellow, with a contrasting central eye. 

They are heat and drought tolerant with glossy green foliage. Annual vinca flowers can also be grown in pots and are a top choice to brighten up shady patios or balcony corners!

#14 Apple of Peru

Originally found in Peru, the apple of Peru or shoofly plant has bell-shaped, lilac-blue flowers that each only last one day! Blooms have white centers marked with dark blue-purple blotches. Although flowers are short-lasting, this plant will produce them in succession from summer until early fall. 

Its common name shoofly comes from a time when the juice from its foliage and roots would be laid out with milk to attract and kill pesky flies. Plant them in cottage-style or pollinator gardens, as its nectar is particularly enticing to several types of bees. 

#15 Arizona Poppy

Despite its name, the Arizona poppy isn’t actually a poppy at all! Native to the Sonoran Desert, these plants are extremely heat tolerant and prefer full sun. In the right conditions, they will readily self-seed, with their seeds being a great food source for doves and quails!

They have poppy-like flowers that are normally vivid orange with a red basal spot, though more rarely they can be white with a red spot or yellow with a dark orange spot. In the wild, these annuals appear in huge numbers after heavy rainfall in the summer. 

#16 Aster

Planting asters is a great way to keep color in the garden well into the fall! These plants are firm favorites that will keep coming back year after year, showcasing their vividly colored daisy-like flowers! Their blooms have sunshine-yellow centers and come in hues of purple, pink, blue, and white. 

Asters are particularly impressive planted en-masse and will do a top job of bringing butterflies and bees into the garden! Plant them in cottage-style or informal gardens. 

#17 Astilbe

Astilbes are a top choice for bringing color and texture into shade gardens! These plants, which also go by the name false goat’s beard, prefer light to moderate shade as they might burn in full sun conditions. They have fern-like leaves in hues of green and bronze and plumes of feathery flower spikes that rise above the foliage. 

These lovely perennials bloom from early to midsummer depending on the variety and come in a range of colors, including white, pink, purple, and red. Astilbe flowers are ideal for bringing life into wooded areas or brightening up dark patio corners!

#18 Astrantia

Astrantias are well-loved plants known for their long blooming period from summer through to the fall. They are originally found in grasslands, mountain meadows, and forest clearings in Europe and Western Asia. These lovely perennials have delicate blooms that suit cottage-style, meadow, and woodland gardens! 

Their flowerheads are dome-shaped, with a base of colored papery bracts and a neat, tightly-packed cluster of small flowers atop long stalks that look like pins in a pincushion. Blooms come in shades of white, pink, and red, and mix well with other plants such as ornamental grasses or other meadow wildflowers.   

#19 Avens

Avens flowers are sweet little perennials that have rose-like flowers! They have a long blooming season from spring to late summer and generally prefer cooler weather. In hot climates, they will appreciate some afternoon shade. 

Their rosy blooms come in bright shades of pink, red, yellow, and orange. Grow them in rock gardens or plant them in large groups along borders for a stunning display! Deadhead them to promote more flowers and bring them indoors as cut flowers! 

#20 Azalea

Azalea shrubs are a type of rhododendron, and are hugely popular for their masses of brightly colored flowers! These shrubs are typically deciduous unlike other rhododendrons, although evergreen types do exist. They have fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers that emerge from spring or summer. 

There are hundreds of varieties with white, pink, red, and purple flowers! Azaleas can be grown very successfully in pots as well as out in the garden, so they can be enjoyed no matter what kind of space is available!

#21 Aztec Lily

Aztec lilies are bulbous perennials native to Mexico and Central America. They have extremely exotic-looking flowers that may grow as wide as 6 inches across! Blooms resemble orchids and are vivacious red, although pink, white, and multi-colored cultivars are available. 

Their blooms will only last for a few days but are well worth it for their outstanding beauty. In warmer climates they may be grown outdoors year-round, otherwise, they will need to be grown in containers, or lifted and repotted, to be overwintered indoors.

That’s it for our list of flowers beginning with A. What’s your favorite?