Graptosedum succulents are all hybrids. Therefore, you might see them listed as xGraptosedum.
The “x” denotes that the plant is not a true species, but rather a cross between two different species. In this case, Graptosedums are a cross between the genera Graptopetalum and Sedum.
The reason that plant breeders have crossed these two genera together is that the resulting cultivars have the best features of both parent plants.
For example, Graptopetalum succulents feature the lovely rosette shape that so many people love. On the other hand, Sedums are usually quite compact plants. This makes them ideal for growing in pots or as ground covers.
Therefore, a mix of both of these genera results in hybrids that have both a lovely rosette shape and are nice and compact. No wonder these plants have become so popular with succulent growers.
Because these lovely succulents are hybrids or cultivars, there are only a limited number of varieties available. However, succulent breeders are constantly working on new varieties that they can produce.
To get you started with your collection, here are 9 Graptosedum varieties that you might enjoy.
1 xGraptosedum ‘Alpenglow’
This lovely succulent has lime green leaves that turn a lovely shade of rose or burgundy when the plant is exposed to sunlight. It’s a cross between Graptopetalum paraguayense and Sedum stahlii.
Because it’s a spreading variety, this particular succulent is ideal for growing in a hanging pot or as a ground cover in your succulent garden. It only reaches a height of 8 inches (20 cm) with a width of around 12 inches (30 cm).
Like a lot of Graptosedums, the flowers are quite small and have 4 petals. They are yellow in color.
2 xGraptosedum ‘Barton Pink’
You might also find this succulent labeled as xTacisedum ‘Barton Pink’. As you probably know by now, botanical nomenclature is not always straightforward. Interestingly, this variety is a hybrid cross between Graptopetalum bellum and another hybrid xGraptosedum ‘Heswall’.
To make things even more confusing, Graptopetalum bellum is also known as Tacitus bellus and xGraptosedum ‘Heswall’ is also known as xTacisedum ‘Heswall’.
Nevertheless, it’s definitely worth adding this attractive succulent to your collection. It forms beautiful rosettes that can reach a diameter of 5 inches (12.5 cm). The leaves are a gray-green color and have white margins that turn a lovely blush pink when grown in sunlight.
The flowers on this cultivar are star-shaped and have delicate pink petals with a darker pink mid-stripe. These grow on long stems that will drape beautifully over the edges of a hanging pot.
3 xGraptosedum ‘Blue Giant’
You might also see this cultivar sold as xSedeveria ‘Blue Giant’. It’s thought that this plant resulted from a cross between Graptopetalum amethystinum and Sedum treleasei.
This plant has rather thick, fleshy leaves that are blue-green in color. However, when grown in colder climates, these can take on a lovely rosy tint. The flowers on this variety grow on short stems and are star-shaped and yellow in color.
4 xGraptosedum ‘Bronze’

This cultivar is very similar to xGraptosedum ‘Alpenglow’ and is often confused with it. However, while Alpenglow has rose or burgundy leaves, this hybrid has lovely bronze leaves that seem to shimmer in the sunlight.
This is another low-growing succulent that only reaches a height of around 6 inches (15 cm). It has a sprawling habit and can be grown as a ground cover or in a hanging planter. It also has small, yellow flowers with 4 petals.
5 xGraptosedum ‘California Sunset’
This is probably one of the more well-known Graptosedums. It’s a cross between Graptopetalum paraguayensis and Sedum adolphi. The plant produces gorgeous compact rosettes that have orange-pink leaves when exposed to dry conditions and cooler temperatures.
When it flowers, it produces small white blooms similar to those produced by Sedum adolphi.
6 xGraptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’
You might also find this succulent labeled as Graptosedum ‘Darley Sunshine’. It’s a fairly popular variety resulting from a cross between Graptopetalum paraguayense and Sedum pachyphyllum.
This is another spreading variety that produces rosettes on the ends of longish stems. Each rosette can reach a diameter of 5 inches (12.5 cm). The leaves are fairly thick and fleshy and soft green in color. However, when exposed to full sunlight, these turn a lovely pinkish-gray.
The flowers on this plant are star-shaped and yellow in color. They appear on long stems.
7 xGraptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi Cristatum’
This is a crested form of xGraptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’. Instead of the rosettes growing on long stems, they grow on the top of a gray-green trunk-like structure. The rosettes are also smaller and very tightly packed on the crest.
8 xGraptosedum ‘Paddy Peate’
This is another plant whose name can be varied, depending on who you buy it from. It can sometimes be known as xSedeveria ‘Pat’s Pink’ or even Sedum ‘Pam’s Pink’.
Its true origin is unknown but it’s believed that it appeared as a chance seedling in the Arizona Cactus nursery owned by Pat Dixon.
This is a small succulent shrub that has a spreading habit. The rosettes feature thick, fleshy leaves that are quite variable in color. It has the interesting habit of producing new leaves from the center of the rosette and shedding the older leaves around the outside.
The leaves can range in color from yellow-green to pink, orange, and brown. The flowers are white in color and appear in clusters on inflorescences.
9 xGraptosedum ‘Vera Higgins’
This variety is often confused with xGraptosedum ‘Bronze’ because it has a similar growth and structure. However, instead of bronze leaves, it has purple-colored ones as well as brown-pink stems.
The plant can reach a height of around 12 inches (30 cm) and a spread of up to 24 inches (60 cm). This makes it ideal for growing as a ground cover or in a hanging planter.