Echeverias are delightful little succulents that lend themselves perfectly to growing in a pot. Most species don’t get any larger than 1 foot in diameter and there are over 150 species to choose from. Many of these are cultivars and hybrids.
Echeverias are distinguished by their lovely rosette growth pattern with fleshy, succulent leaves that come in many different colors. This makes them a collector’s delight with so many different varieties to choose from.
Like all succulents, Echeverias are easy to care for as long as you don’t overwater them. Using the soak and dry method for these plants is absolutely ideal.
In warmer regions that don’t experience frosts, these Echeveria types can even be grown outdoors. They make a fabulous addition to many different types of landscapes and are ideally suited to rock gardens or as edging plants around flower beds as long as the soil is able to drain well.
To give you a taste of what’s available, we’ve included 43 top Echeveria varieties that you can grow at home. Once you learn the basics of echeveria succulent care, start adding these plants to your collection.
Echeveria affinis (Black Echeveria)
The dramatic coloring of this succulent will truly amaze you. The open rosettes have spear-shaped leaves that are bright green at the base and almost black at the top.
To add to the dramatic effect, the flowers are star-shaped and bright red. These are borne in clusters on fairly upright stems.
Echeveria ‘Afterglow’
This is a pretty succulent that has deep pink to red leaves. The leaves have a powdery coating and many have a somewhat frilly edge and a pointed tip. The rosettes can grow as large as 16 inches (40 cm) in diameter.
‘Afterglow’ is a hybrid from a cross between Echeveria shaviana and Echeveria subrigida. This particular hybrid is best propagated from stem cuttings by cutting the rosette from the top of the stem and planting it so that it produces its own roots.
Echeveria agavoides (Molded wax Agave)
This species gets the common name of “Molded wax Agave” because the shape of the leaves and the rosette very much resemble the growth pattern of the Agave plant. This particular succulent is stemless so the plant only grows to a height of around 5 inches (12.5cm).
The leaves are thick and triangular and they have a terminal spine. Usually, the leaves are an apple-green color but they can develop a reddish edge when the plant is exposed to direct sunlight.
In summer, the plant produces pinkish-red or orange flowers on stems that can grow to 12 inches (30cm) long. The petals of the flowers can have dark yellow tips.
Echeveria albicans (Whitening Echeveria)
This succulent is a variation of Echeveria elegans. It’s also a spreading plant that will form small clumps of rosettes. The spoon-shaped leaves are a lovely silvery-gray.
This plant produces flowers that are pink with green or yellow tips on tall stems that can reach a height of around 10 inches (25cm).
Echeveria bifida
This species is quite unusual in that its leaves are spindle-shaped with almost crinkly edges. The plants in this species can be quite variable. Generally, the leaves are grayish-brown and form open rosettes. The flowers are borne on slender stems and are bell-shaped.
Echeveria ‘Black Knight’
This is an interesting species in that it is not a hybrid but rather a clone from Echeveria affinis. The leaves on this plant are almost totally black and elongated, thereby producing a somewhat open rosette.
The flowers are borne on branching inflorescences and are deep pink in color and bell-shaped.
Echeveria cante (White cloud plant)
This is an absolutely stunning succulent and one that should be in everyone’s collection. It forms solitary rosettes with leaves that are blue-green and that get a red tinge around the edges when grown in sun. The leaves have a powdery coating that is a whitish-lavender in color.
The flowers on this lovely succulent grow on tall stems that can reach a height of around 18 inches (45cm). The flowers themselves are a lovely apricot color and bell-shaped. They also have silvery-gray bracts.
Echeveria chihuahuaensis (Cat’s Claw)
This small succulent forms tiny rosettes up 4 inches (10cm) in diameter with leaves that are scalloped with a pronounced red tip that has a short spine. The leaves are bluish-gray and have a pretty pink edge. Some plants produce offsets while others do not. This can be completely random.
The plant produces lovely coral-pink flowers that have a yellow interior. These grow on pink stems that are lightly-branched and can reach a height of 10 inches (25cm).
Echeveria coccinea (Red Echeveria)
This Echeveria has a shrubby growth habit and produces branched stems that have rosettes on or around them. The rosettes have blue-green leaves that often have red margins when exposed to sunlight. The leaves are covered with small silver hairs that give them a fuzzy appearance.
Being slightly larger growing, this plant can reach a height of 2 feet (60cm) and a width of 3 feet (90cm). The flowers appear in late winter and bloom well into spring. They are reddish-orange in color and have bright yellow stamens.
Echeveria crenulata
This is another of the crinkled Echeverias. The plant produces lovely rosettes of pale green leaves that have dark red to brown crinkled edges.
Flowers appear on pink stalks that can reach a height of 20 inches (50cm). The flowers themselves are bell-shaped and pink or yellow.
Echeveria dactylifera
This interesting succulent has longish leaves that are slightly glaucous. They are reddish-brown in color and have red margins. The open rosettes can grow to a diameter of 16 inches (40cm).
The flowers are produced on short branches and are pink on the outside and yellow inside.
Echeveria derenbergii (Painted Lady)
If you’re after a very symmetrical Echeveria that will grow a little taller, then this is the one for you. The rosettes are very dense and continue to grow in height. They only grow to around 3 inches (7.5cm) in diameter. However, the plant produces multiple offsets to produce a nice, tidy clump.
The flowers are borne on pinkish-red stems and are yellow and cup-shaped. These have red tips that look like they’re painted on.
Echeveria diffractens (Shattering Echeveria)
If you’re looking for a purple or lavender succulent, then this is the one for you. The somewhat flattened rosettes have leaves that are a lovely lavender color. Each rosette can grow to 4 inches (10cm) in diameter.
The flowers arrive in late spring and continue into summer. They grow on erect pinkish stems and are pale orange in color with yellow tips. Over time, the plant will multiply to form a small cluster.
Echeveria elegans (Mexican snowball)
This succulent is a popular one for people to grow. It has thick, fleshy leaves that are blue-green in color. When grown in full sun, the leaves will turn a lovely blush pink. This is a spreading Echeveria and will produce rosette offsets readily. This means that if it’s grown outdoors, it will form a dense carpet of rosettes given enough time.
The offsets can easily be used to propagate new plants so this species is ideal for those that love to grow plants to give away to their friends and family.
The flowers grow on pink stems that can reach a height of 12 inches (30cm). They appear from late winter and well into summer. These flowers are usually pinkish-red in color and have a yellow tip on the end of the petals.
Echeveria fulgens
This is a slender leaf Echeveria that forms very flat and open rosettes. The leaves have a tendency to curve slightly inward on the edges and are turquoise in color. In bright sunlight, the leaves will turn a lovely candy-pink color.
The flowers appear in summer on short stems and are orange and pink.
Echeveria gibbiflora
This attractive succulent has rosettes on short stems with broad leaves. The spoon-shaped leaves are reddish-green in color. The leaves are quite large and can reach a length of around 8 inches (20cm).
The flowers are borne on very tall stems that can reach a height of 32 inches (80cm). These flowers are bell-shaped and typical in coloring to various other species in that they’re red and have yellow centers.
Echeveria gibbiflora ‘Metallica’ (Metallic Echeveria)
This cultivar has open rosettes on short stems with spoon-shaped leaves. The leaves on this cultivar are a lovely metallic bronze-green in color. They often have pink margins and somewhat wavy edges. The flowers on this plant are red with a yellow center and are bell-shaped.
Echeveria gigantea (Giant hens and chicks)
This is lovely succulent with large, spoon-shaped leaves that form a loose rosette. The rosettes grow on stems and can be up to 12 inches (30cm) tall. The leaves range in color from bright green to gray-green and they have a red margin. They also have a slightly wavy appearance.
Once the plant ages, the older leaves can turn pink or purple. The inflorescences are spectacular in that they can reach a height of 6.6 feet (2m). On the other hand, the flowers are quite small and pink in color.
Echeveria glauca (Blue hens and chicks)
This attractive succulent forms flat rosettes that are very symmetrical. The leaves are blue-green in color and each rosette can reach a diameter of around 8 inches (20cm). The plant freely produces offsets and will form a lovely spreading cluster.
Flowers are borne on short stems and have yellow petals and red calyces.
Echeveria harmsii (Plush plant)
This is a slightly different Echeveria in that the rosettes are formed on the top of short branches. The leaves are light green in color and have red edges. This succulent can grow up to 12 inches (30cm) tall and will spread just as far.
The flowers appear in spring on 4-inch (10cm) long stems. They are bright red in color with yellow tips.
Echeveria x imbricata (Blue Rose Echeveria)
This is another very popular Echeveria succulent. It has tight rosettes with gray-green leaves. These can have pinkish margins and a pointed, terminal spike. This plant produces offsets easily and hence, it can form large clumps over time.
The flowers that appear in spring and summer are red with yellow tips. They are borne on tall, arching inflorescences.
Echeveria laui

This is such a pretty succulent, with its soft blue-gray leaves that have a powdery coating and form almost perfectly symmetrical rosettes. To add to the appeal, the flowers are borne on soft gray stems and are a lovely peachy rose.
Echeveria leucotricha (Chenille plant)
This small succulent only grows to a height of around 6 inches (15cm). The leaves are roundish but long and are covered with white hairs. This plant has a shrubby habit and will readily produce offsets.
The red flowers appear in the fall on longish stems that can reach a height of around 16 inches (40cm).
Echeveria lilacina (Ghost Echeveria)
This is a slow-growing succulent that has spoon-shaped leaves that are silvery-gray in color. These leaves form lovely symmetrical rosettes that can grow up to 7 inches (17.5cm) in diameter.
The plant will start to produce its flowers in late winter and these continue into early spring. These are produced on long stems and can be pale or coral pink.
Echeveria lutea (Yellow Echeveria)

This Echeveria is quite different from the others on our list in that it has long leaves that form a flat and open rosette. The leaves are reddish-purple when the plant is grown in sunlight. Each rosette can reach a diameter of around 8 inches (20cm).
Interestingly, the leaf edges roll inward. This creates a hollow in the center of each leaf. In summer, the flowers form on straight stalks that arch over from the tip. This enables the bright yellow flowers to hang downward.
Echeveria ‘Mauna Loa’
This delightful succulent has large flat leaves that crinkle on the edges giving the rosettes a lovely frilly appearance. Each rosette can grow to a diameter of 12 inches (30cm). When the plant is young, the leaves will be a pale green color but these become bluish and pink as the plant ages. When grown in full sun, the edges of the leaves will turn a lovely red to burgundy color.
Echeveria minima
If you’re a collector of small succulents, you’ll want to add this one to your collection. It features tiny rosettes that grow no larger than 4 inches (9cm) in diameter. The leaves are quite plump and fleshy in a blue-green color. They have a pronounced tip that is commonly red and they also have a red margin.
In late spring, this plant will produce red and yellow, small bell-shaped flowers.
Echeveria moranii
When you first take a quick look at Echeveria moranii, you won’t think that it’s a real plant. It has the most delightful oval-shaped leaves in a blue-green color with a maroon outline. These leaves have a speckled appearance on the top and a maroon speckle on the underside.
The flowers are borne on a tall stem that has a habit of bending over and growing horizontally. The flowers themselves, are pink on the outside with a yellow center.
Echeveria multicaulis (Copper Rose)
This lovely plant has fleshy, bright green leaves that develop a red or orange tinge around the edges. As the plant is exposed to more sunlight, the red around the edges deepens and gets more intense.
The flowers are orange as buds and then become yellow as they start to open.
Echeveria nodulosa (Painted Echeveria)

This is another diverse Echeveria. It produces sprawling, branched stems that have lovely rosettes on the ends. The leaves on these rosettes are apple-green with a purple-red color along the margins. There are also small patches of red on the surface of the leaves. The red colorings look like they’ve been painted on.
The flowers appear in summer and are bell-shaped and red with yellow tips. The inflorescences can grow to a height of 2 feet (60cm).
Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’
This particular hybrid is a cross between Echeveria gibbiflora ‘Metallica’ and Echeveria elegans. This hybridization has produced a very pretty succulent that has pinkish-red leaves in an open rosette. The leaves are almost spade-shaped with a pointed tip.
The plant has a tendency to form large clumps by producing numerous offsets. The flowers appear on long branching stems and are an orange color.
Echeveria pulidonis
Unlike many other species of Echeveria, this one does not produce its rosettes on stems. The rosettes grow from the base of the plant and have fleshy, pale blue-green leaves with a red margin. As you would imagine with this type of growth habit, the plant produces numerous offsets to create a large clump over time.
The flowers appear on lovely arching stems and are bright yellow in color.
Echeveria purpusorum
This Echeveria is a little unusual in that it has speckled or mottled leaves. These leaves are quite thick and fleshy and almost triangular. They range in color from olive-green to white-green. The spots are irregular in shape and reddish-brown in color.
The plant produces scarlet flowers that have yellow tips. These appear in late spring on long stems. As this species is quite rare, there are numerous hybrids that have been created such as Echeveria ‘Dionysos’.
Echeveria rubromarginata
This interesting-looking succulent has leaves with wavy margins that are red. The leaves themselves are a gray-green to blue-green color and this creates an interesting contrast.
This is quite a slow-growing succulent but the rosettes can reach a diameter of around 8 inches (20cm). Occasionally, the plant will produce a few offsets. The flowers appear in late fall and continue into winter. They are reddish pink on the outside and yellow on the inside.
Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’
This succulent has an interesting leaf structure. The leaves are quite long and spatulate. The edges of the leaves curl outward but the tips curl inward towards the center of the rosette.
These leaves are blue-green to silvery-gray in color and often have pink tips. In late summer, the plant produces tall inflorescences that arch and bear bright orange flowers.
Echeveria secunda (Blue Echeveria)
This lovely Echeveria has large rosettes with blue-green oval-shaped leaves. Quite often the edges of the leaves will have a red tinge. From a distance, the rosettes almost look like a blue-green rose as the leaves look very much like rose petals.
The flowers grow on long stems and are red in color with a yellow tip.
Echeveria setosa (Mexican Firecracker)
This succulent has furry leaves thanks to the fine white hairs that cover the surface. The leaves are fleshy and spoon-shaped and they form symmetrical rosettes on short, branching stems.
The flower inflorescences appear in late spring and can be 12 inches (30cm) tall. The flowers are typical to a lot of Echeveria species in that they’re orange-red with yellow tips.
Echeveria shaviana (Mexican hens)
This is one of the sought-after crinkled Echeverias. It forms fairly open rosettes with gray-green to blue-green leaves that have lovely wavy edges. The edges are white and waxy, making this a stunning plant to look at. This plant does produce offsets so it can create larger clumps. When grown in sun, the leaves will take on a pink tinge.
The flowers are also quite pretty. They’re bell-shaped and pink on the outside with a yellow interior. The flower stems can reach a height of 12 inches (30cm).
Echeveria subrigida
This is another stunning succulent that has rosettes of spade-shaped leaves. These leaves are blue-green in color and have a very distinct red margin. The rosettes are quite large and can reach a diameter of 18 inches (45cm).
The flowers appear in late spring on tall 12-inch (30cm) stems. The flower buds are milky-blue and open up to reveal tubular, coral-pink flowers.
Echeveria tolimanensis
This rather unusual succulent has fleshy, almost cylindrical leaves that form relatively tight rosettes. These rosettes grow on short stems that are generally unbranched. Although the leaves are green, they have a white coating that makes them appear white.
The flowers appear in summer on tall stalks. They are bell-shaped and coral red in color.
Echeveria turgida
This is another clumping Echeveria. It produces lovely open rosettes with silver-green leaves that are spatulate and have a pointed tip. The plant produces lots of offsets to form the clump.
The flowers are rose-colored and are borne on short red stems.
Echeveria ‘Victor’
This pretty succulent is a hybrid cross between Echeveria multicaulis and Echeveria derenbergii. It forms tight rosettes with leaves that are green in color and have a red edge.
The flowers are typical of many Echeverias in that they are red on the outside and yellow inside.
Echeveria walpoleana
This interesting succulent has fairly open rosettes with diamond-shaped leaves that are elongated. The leaves are apple-green in color with touches of red around the margins.
Flower stems are around 12 inches (30cm) tall and bear deeply orange flowers.