Top 19 Adromischus Varieties and Types You Can Grow

There are over 30 species in the Adromischus genus that you can easily grow. These succulents are all low-growing and are ideal for growing in containers indoors.

However, if you live in a warm climate, you can also grow these lovely plants outdoors and they will add some interest to your rock garden. Most of these plants are not frost-hardy and prefer warmer temperatures.

These succulent varieties also like to receive a moderate amount of bright light each day. This will enhance their color and give them a more striking appearance. If you’re going to grow these lovely succulents indoors, make sure that you place them near a south or east-facing window to ensure that they get enough light.

Like most succulents, these plants like to dry out in between watering. Therefore, make sure that you don’t overwater your plants and never let their roots sit in water.

Most Adromischus species are unlikely to flower when grown indoors and generally, their flowers are quite small and unimpressive. These plants are mainly grown for their distinctive foliage and bright colorings.

Here are the top 19 Adromischus species that you might like to add to your collection.

Adromischus alstonii

This low-growing succulent produces a mass of leafy pads from the base, spreading out as it grows more of these pads. These pads are fleshy but quite flat. They are almost tear-shaped and pale green in color with dark green spots. These spots will turn red when exposed to sunlight.

Adromischus caryophyllaceus

This attractive succulent produces open clusters of tear-shaped leaves that have a pointed tip. They are flat on top and curved underneath. During early growth, these leaves are lime-green in color but produce reddish-brown edges and spots when exposed to bright light.

Adromischus cooperi (Club Adromischus, Plover eggs plant)

This delightful little succulent has thick fleshy pads that are almost shaped like a club. They’re narrower at the base and have a fluted edge on the top. Their color is a lovely blue-green and they have dark purple or chocolate spots. These pads grow from the base, so this plant will spread a little.

Adromischus cristatus

This plant has thick, fleshy pads that grow from the base. They are triangular-shaped but elongated. They are pale green in color and the fluted tips can change to a reddish color when exposed to sunlight. Sometimes, these pads are covered with glandular hairs giving them a felted appearance.

Adromischus festivus

This plant has long, cylindrical leaves that grow from the base on short fleshy stems. They are pale green in color and have dark brown spots mainly on the top part. This plant can be quite variable and if you happen to propagate it from leaf cuttings, the baby plant may not be identical to the parent.

Adromischus filicaulis

This is a slow-growing succulent that has multiple roundish, oblong leaves growing from the base. These are a shiny green color and have rust-colored spots given them a marbled appearance. This species may be a little hard to find in cultivation and is especially prone to root rot if overwatered.

Adromischus hemisphaericus

This Adromischus produces woody stems that the leaves grow from. These leaves are tear-shaped, round, and fleshy. When exposed to direct sunlight or even just bright light, they develop reddish-brown spots as is common with many species in this genus.

Adromischus humilis

This Adromischus is quite different from many others in the genus. It forms semi-rosettes of pale green leafy pads that almost resemble flower petals. These leaves curl upward on the edges and have a pointed tip. The plant will develop reddish spots on the leaves when exposed to bright light.  

Adromischus leucophyllus

This is another interesting Adromischus with a different growth pattern. It produces half egg-shaped leaves along a central upright fleshy stem. The young leaves start dark green in color and then lighten to almost white as they age. The leaves are covered with a white powder substance. 

Adromischus liebengergii

This is a succulent that has small branched stems that the succulent leafy pads grow from. The leaves are tear-shaped with a pointy end. They start out as a lovely pale green color but will turn an orangy-red when exposed to sunlight.

Adromischus maculatus (Calico hearts, Chocolate drop)

This is one of the more commonly grown species in the Adromischus genus. It has multiple wedge-shaped leaves growing from the base of the plant. These leaves are jade green in color and have purple to chocolate spots. This plant propagates very readily using leaf cuttings. 

Adromischus mammillaris

This succulent has waxy leaves that are quite smooth. The leaves are cylindrical and have a point on both ends. The leaves grow along the fat, green stems that grow upright at first but will end up growing horizontally once mature.

Adromischus marianae f. Herrei

adromischus marianae

This is quite a bizarre member of the Adromischus genus. It has rounded fleshy leaves that have a rough and warty surface. The leaves almost look like dried raisins. This is a variable species and further propagations may appear different to the original plant. It’s definitely one for collectors to experiment with.

Adromischus roaneanus

This is quite an interesting-looking succulent and one worthy of adding to your collection. The plant produces woody stems that the leaves grow around. The leaves are tear-shaped and quite rounded. They can be a lovely jade-green color but will turn a pale rose color when exposed to direct light.

Adromischus schuldtianus

This is another interesting Adromischus as it has a spreading habit and can form quite a large clump. The leaves grow out from the base and are almost heart-shaped but with a pointed tip. These are a dusty green color with a red margin most of the way around the leaf. They have dark green spots but these will turn red when exposed to bright light.

Adromischus schuldtianus ssp. Juttae

This cute little succulent produces stems from the base around which the leaves grow. The leaves are quite round but elongated. They have a pointed tip. These leaves are a little glossy and mottled green in color. As with most Adromischus species, they can develop a reddish color when exposed to bright light.

Adromischus subdistichus

This is another quite unique Adromischus in relation to its growth habit. It produces thick round leaves from the base that are opposite each other. The leaves are a dark green mottled color with a reddish-purple margin.

Adromischus triflorus (Calico hearts)

This interesting little succulent grows as small clusters of leaves that are somewhat heart-shaped. This plant is variable in its growth. Sometimes it forms stems where the leaves grow from and other times, the leaves grow on top of each other to form a very loose rosette.

The leaves can be a very pale green in color and will sometimes have reddish spots and other times, no spots at all.  

Adromischus trigynus (Calico hearts)

This is another species of Adromischus with the common name of calico hearts. This is mainly due to the almost heart-shaped leaves that are dusky green with red margins and spots. The leaves grow tightly packed from the base of the plant.