How to Grow Hydrangeas from Seed

growing hydrangea seeds

One of the most loved summer-flowering shrubs is the hydrangea, particularly a bigleaf variety. Planting hydrangeas is a very rewarding gardening activity. The hydrangea is a traditional gardener’s favorite and the immense, showy blooms add long-lasting color even when many other perennials have faded. Propagating hydrangea is most usually carried out by layering or by … Read more

How to Prune Hydrangeas Successfully

pruning hydrangeas

Pruning, cutting back, and trimming are all different terms for the same thing, and it’s an important annual gardening task. But it’s equally essential that you know what you are doing because if you just go ahead and hack your hydrangea, you may well end up next year with a nonflowering specimen. So because no … Read more

How to Deadhead Hydrangeas

deadheading hydrangeas

Everyone loves the hydrangea and thinks of the giant mophead or the more delicate but equally spectacular lacecap varieties. Gorgeous, long-lasting blooms that seem to go on and on throughout the summer. But when the blooms have faded, uncertainty abounds as to what is the correct approach to take. Which Types of Hydrangea Can You … Read more

How and When to Transplant Hydrangeas

transplanting hydrangeas

Like millions of gardeners worldwide, you have decided to include a hydrangea shrub in your planting scheme. It’s hardly surprising that the hydrangea is probably the most widely grown, flowering shrub.  The flowers seem to go on forever, the magnificent blooms herald “Summer” like no other plant, and unlike many other beautiful flowers, the hydrangea … Read more

Brown Spots Problems with Hydrangea Leaves

hydrangea leaves turning brown

In the vast majority of cases, discoloration on the leaves of your hydrangea plant will not cause any long-lasting or serious damage to your shrub. Usually, the flowers are unaffected.  However, because leaf blemish is not attractive and is also a sign that all is not well with your shrub, it is advisable to consider … Read more

Hydrangea in Winter: How to Care and Winterize

hydrangea in winter

Hydrangeas are relatively easy to grow and usually require little in the way of maintenance. They are deciduous plants that are not very attractive during the winter. The old branches look woody and often dead, although they will bounce back to life in the spring.  Nevertheless, some varieties are more tender than others and if … Read more