Lily of the Valley Flower Meaning, Symbolism, and Uses You Should Know

Lilies of the Valley are a sight sure to behold and are the birth month flowers of May! Behind its beautiful floral petals hold a meaning and symbolism sure to capture any reader’s heart! It is a sure thing to say that these blossoms are like no other in the vast valleys of garden flowers.

These delicate flowers are sweetly scented and used in many beauty products. Aside from this, Lily of the Valley’s flowers are used in many floral displays because it appears as an innocent looking flower. It comes in floral colors such as white, blue, pink, and purple each with its unique meaning. 

For example, a white lily of the valley means purity while a blue one represents wisdom. A pink lily of the valley symbolizes happiness and a purple one means humility.

History of Lily of the Valley Flowers

The common name Lily of the Valley was first used in 1563 to describe a perennial herb with six petals and red berries that clusters on one point of the stem. These bell shaped flowers are known by the scientific name Convallaria majalis. It belongs to the asparagus family or Asparagaceae family and sometimes so claim that it also belongs in the lily family. 

The genus name Convollaria was taken from the word convallis which means a deep valley. The species majalis from the word maius means May. Historically, these flowers are dubbed as May day flowers blooming in deep valleys during May!

You can find lily of the valley bloom native to Eurasia and North America. Aside from this, these valley flowers grow as invasive species in other areas around the world. There are other names associated with this flower known as Mary’s tears, May lily, Valley Lily, Conval lily, or May bells.

Symbolism of Lily of the Valley Blossoms

Valley lilies are actually the birth flower of May and the zodiac sign Gemini! They are gifted to friends and family every 1st day of May to symbolize good luck and good fortune. The flowers are also adored as the national flower of Finland. For Finnish folk, the lily of the valley represent love and the reassurance of returning happiness and better times are en route!

During the middle ages, the flowers were symbolic of new beginnings and were a popular choice of flowers for the month of May to associate with virginity.

Meaning of Lily of the Valley Florets

The Lily of the Valley flower meaning indicates the return of happiness and sincere friendship. Amidst this, they are also beautiful flowers blooming vastly in a wide valley of nature. Symbolic meanings of the flower include spiritual healing, mental clarity, and positive life perspectives.

Here are some of the lily of the valley flower colors and its meanings.

white lily of the valley

What does a White Lily of the Valley Flower Mean?

These bell shaped white flowers embody one’s chastity and purity may it be in mind, body, or spirit. It is symbolic of the image of the Virgin Mary as being untainted and divine. Christ’s rebirth is also displayed by these flowers.

What does a Blue Valley Lily Blossom Symbolize?

Good luck and good decision-making are symbolized by blue May lilies. This floral color offers guidance and wisdom to those who adore it.

What does a Pink Lily of the Valley Floret Represent?

Pink May lilies represent one’s happiness and sweetness. It is also symbolic of feminine beauty and strength. 

What does a Purple Valley Lily Bloom Indicate?

Humility and fertility is associated with the purple lily of the valley. It represents one’s good and pure intentions from the mind and heart. 

What is the Biblical Meaning Behind Mary’s Tears Flower?

Different times in the bible have a story to say about this flower. The flower is also known as Mary’s tears and has a biblical story to tell, but before Mary, pagan beliefs say that the flower was dedicated to goddess Ostara, the Norse goddess of day and light. This was a symbol of purity for both the goddess and Mary.

Upon Christ’s death, the tears Mary shed bloomed into the flowers that came to be. This is symbolic of the Advent or second coming of Christ. The flowers are also symbolic of Eve’s tears (or lady’s tears) when banned from the garden of Eden and Jacob mourning over Rachel and Joseph. For tales of the Church, the flower was said to have come from the blood spilled by Saint Leonardo during his victorious battle against a devil. 

What is the Cultural Significance of a Lily of the Valley Blossom?

Several cultures believe in the mysteries the May lilies hold. In Europe, the sight of these flowers prompts images of the heavens and brighter futures ahead. The folk also believe that these blossoms protect the garden from evil spirits and witch spells! 

Meanwhile, in Germany and Scandinavia, the May lily is a herald of springtime and symbolizes good luck. They say that it is a bad omen to bestow these flowers to the living and should only be used in graves to honor the dead.

A vastly different belief is known by the French. According to French folk, the flowers are a symbol of a man who flaunts his refined lifestyle and taste. It wasn’t until a tradition spread by King Charles IX declaring May 1st as a public holiday La fête du muguet or the May day. This is a time where the Valley lilies were given as gifts to symbolize renewal, good luck, and the start of spring.

During the ancient times for Celts, the flowers were also regarded as the spring flower. It was symbolic of the happiness and sprout of the first spring after the harsh long winter days. 

What are the Mythologies Associated with a May Lily Flower?

In some Greek mythologies, the May lilies are associated with Maia, the daughter of the marine creature Atlas. For another Greek mythology, it was said that the god Apollo created the flowers as a ground cover for the Montparnasse. He did this to allow the nine nymphs to walk on a soft and scented carpet. 

Meanwhile in Roman mythology, the flowers were bestowed upon the God Mercury which symbolized the new light of Spring. It was said that offering three branches of this flower symbolizes friendship and hope.

What does a May Lily Floral Tattoo Symbolize?

A choice of a May lily flower tattoo design beholds the sincerity and happiness of the individual. It also bears one’s discretion and cares before speaking or acting out.

Uses of Lily of the Valley Blooms

The May lilies are mostly favored as an ornamental garden plant and used in many valley bouquets or funeral arrangements. In fact, it was used as one of the flowers used in HRH Kate Middleton’s wedding bouquet and is still used today in many royal weddings and all around Buckingham palace. The royals seem to love this flower so much because of its beautiful sweet scent. 

Because of the lily of the valley smell, famous fashion designer Christian Dior also adorned these flowers in the runway collection in the 50s! It is the perfect flower in floristry to use as a source for perfume scent or fragrance. It is the perfect gift to give a friend who loves a classy yet fragrant flower. 

Aside from this being the perfect choice and a great gift idea for loved ones on many occasions, the lily of the valley has a few medicinal benefits. Claims of dried flowers or roots can be used as a diuretic and heart tonic because of the presence of cardiac glycosides. But be warned because lily of the valley poisonous and may cause skin irritation. You must wash hands thoroughly when you come into contact with the plant lily of the valley. 

A word of warning that it’s a must to always consult a medical professional before using this plant or any part of it for medical purposes.

~ image source: depositphotos/ekina1