Fascinating Meaning and Symbolism of Honeysuckle Flower and Uses

When you come to hear this flower’s name for the first time, you would think that it is rich in honey or attract bees. Well, you are somewhat on point because these flowers are a rich source of sweet nectar that hummingbirds love a lot!

Honeysuckles are such pretty flowers with a delicate sweet fragrance that a lot of gardeners love. It comes in many different floral colors and is used as a fresh or cut flower in many decorations and arrangements. The flower comes in white, yellow, red, pink, and orange hues. It each represents satisfaction, sweet disposition, affection, passionate pursuit, and pleasure respectively.

History of Honeysuckle Flowers

The common name Honeysuckle was first used in 1548. The Middle English derivation honysoukel comes from the Old English hunisūce referring to the botanical characteristics honeysuckle. Meanwhile, hunisūce comes from two words hunig and sūcan with a straightforward meaning of honey suck or to suck honey. The plant hails from the genus Lonicera of the Caprifoliaceae or honeysuckle family.

The genus Lonicera is actually named after the German renaissance botanist, author, and physician Adam Lonicer for his contributions to science. Besides this, the Honeysuckle vines come in many different varieties. The most common Honeysuckle variety is known as the Lonicera periclymenum. Other varieties of the honeysuckle Lonicera include the Japanese honeysuckle or Chinese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) and the Trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens).

Honeysuckles are perennial shrubs with flowers rich in nectar. It is native to the regions of northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere and scatters around many countries such as South Asia, North Africa, but mostly in China. Honeysuckle grows best in temperate climates under full sun conditions and well draining soils.

Symbolism of Honeysuckle Blossoms

The honeysuckle vine is a symbolism of a lot of emotions and feelings. In fact, the honeysuckle symbolism dates back to the time of Christ and the Victorian era. The people of the Victorian era believe that this blossom symbolizes eternal or everlasting bonds of love and fidelity. It was also an expression of a person declaring their love and passion – most especially for old flames of first loves or a past lover’s embrace.

Did you know that honeysuckles can cast magic in your dreams? According to Victorian hearsays, honeysuckle flowers symbolize the dreams of your one true love. Some also say it symbolizes happiness. You’ll never know unless you try or better yet, it might just become a reality!
In the United States, the Lonicera flower is honored as the south’s official emblem. Additionally, the zodiac Capricorn is also associated with honeysuckles. It represents the zodiac’s sweetness in aura and spirit. Surprisingly though, the flower is also symbolic of the month of June and is a great floral bouquet to offer upon meeting your partner’s parents!

white honeysuckle

Meaning of Honeysuckle Blooms

Upon first sight of Honeysuckles, one would come to understand that it conveys the meaning of true love and generosity. Just by simply admiring how its petals are intricately designed, one will surely agree with this meaning.

There are other associated meanings with the honeysuckle. These meanings include happy times, finding a new love, or good fortune. Some floral languages also say that the flower is a means to evoke feelings of a pure love to someone close to the heart.

What does a White Honeysuckle Flower Mean?

Like a few white flowers, honeysuckles with white petals send out the meaning of self-happiness and satisfaction. It embodies the feeling of being enough with who you are. The formation of bonds of love is also associated with the display of such flowers.

What does a Yellow Honeysuckle Blossom Symbolize?

The yellow honeysuckle flower meaning is about a person’s inconsistencies in love and his or her own sweet disposition. It reminds one that nothing is ever certain in life, making it exciting and adventurous every day. 

Sometimes, these yellow flowers represent friendship found from a love that had transformed. 

What does a Pink Honeysuckle Bloom Represent?

These pink flowers are said to be fortune-tellers of the present and the future. Admirers of these floras are reminded of their passionate pursuit of desires and goals. Blossoms of this color also foretell the destiny of a person.

What does a Red Honeysuckle Flower Indicate?

Red flowers are passionate and very expressive in the language of colors. Red Honeysuckles embody one’s devoted affection and radiating rustic beauty. Simply elegant!

What does an Orange Honeysuckle Blossom Mean?

Lonicera blossoms with orange petals wish those admiring its beauty to experience pleasure and togetherness. This meaning applies to relationships of all kinds, may it be familial, romantic, or friendly!

What is the Spiritual Significance of Honeysuckle Florets?

Spiritual healing involves the cleansing and mending of the soul from evil spirits. In this case, the honeysuckles represent the spiritual vision or psychic awakening and realization of an individual. It offers the person spiritual protection and guidance while earning a living. 

What is the Cultural Significance of Honeysuckle Blossoms?

Honeysuckles are associated with many beliefs with many cultures. In early times, it is associated with the soothing effect of healing pain and discomfort during pregnancies. It is closely attributed to the Virgin Mary. Christians believe that the flower was used as a gynecological medicine during Her conception and birth of Jesus Christ. 

In French culture, the flowers were symbols of love and fidelity. In the French book Le Langage des Fleurs written by Louise Cortambert, the flowers were a major symbol of love, fidelity, and devotion. 

What does a Honeysuckle Floral Tattoo Symbolize? 

Honeysuckle tattoos symbolize the bonds of love and gaiety of an individual. It portrays the person’s overall genuine happiness and contentment in life. So if you’re thinking of a new body art addition to your collection, Honeysuckles are a sure one to add to your choices!

Uses of the Honeysuckle Plant

Because the honeysuckle is a cooling herb that attracts many bees, its sweet smelling aroma is great in many floral arrangements for display. In China the honeysuckle is also valued for its sweet aroma. The sweet scent makes it the ideal gift for lovers or the perfect gift to bestow during house blessings. 

Honeysuckle plants offer benefits for multiple ailments according to traditional Chinese medicine. It is called the Jin Yin Hua that can heal various digestive disorders. The flower buds contain moisturizing and antispasmodic properties that are used in creams and lotions for aches and swellings.

It also contains antimicrobial properties that claim to treat staph infections caused by different types of bacteria and remove toxins from the body. Antibiotic properties are also present as a treatment for common infectious diseases. There have also been claims that consuming the flowers raw or through tea infusions can help treat asthma, rheumatism, and increased blood pressure. A word of warning that it’s a must to always consult a medical professional before using this plant or any part of it for medical purposes.

~ image source: depositphotos/HenrikL