Freesia Flower Meaning, Symbolism, and Uses You Should Know

This is not a common flower you hear about every day. If you also haven’t heard of the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, it’s about time you did too! This wondrous paradise is home to some of the most beautiful and colorful blooms ever seen.

One of these vibrant flowers includes the freesias – small yet very sweet-scented dainty flowers that come in many colors. The freesias hold a very special floral message. Its symbolic meanings are just as charming as the flower’s first bloom! It is popularly used in the ornamental, culinary, and cosmetic industry.

Freesias come in a variety of colors such as pink and red varieties which means unconditional love and passion. Other freesia colors such as a white and yellow one represents purity and innocence and a lasting friendship. Lastly, a violet freesia symbolizes royalty.

History of Freesia Flowers

The freesias were first defined in 1882 as a perennial herb native to the cape province paradise of South Africa. It includes a collection of charmingly and delicately sweet-scented flowers. If you’re curious about its scent, imagine breathing in a subtle and lemony fragrance because that is just how these flowers smell!

Freesia grows best in southern regions and the Mediterranean climate with dry summers. It cannot tolerate wet winters and prefers the hot summer months. Enjoy these flowers blooming with their sweet fragrance in early April.

Freesias are flowering plants funnel shaped or trumpet shaped flowers with sword shaped leaves with the stems grow parallel on the ground. The flowers are bi colored single or double petaled and grow 90 degrees on one side of the stalk creating a y shape. These long lasting flowers almost looks like a ballerina dancer.

The spring blooms belong to the genus Freesia of the plant family – Iris family or Iridaceae family. Today, there are only about 20 of these vibrant species with colors from rays of white, to pink, to yellow, and to red! 

Are you curious about how these flowers got this name? You should be! Botanist Christian P Ecklon discovered the freesias and named the flower after his best friend and fellow botanist and a German physician Friedrich H.T Freese. When Ecklon named it after his friend it was then a flower symbolizing friendship.

Amongst the 20 species of the freesias, these 3 species stand out and are a floral favorite for gardeners and flower lovers across the globe. These include the common Freesia (F. refracta), the tinged rose-purple Freesia (F. armstrongii), and the Flowering grass (F. laxa).

Symbolism of Freesia Blossoms

The symbolism behind the freesias is very heart-warming and inspirational. It is not only an inspiration but is actually also a reminder of all the beautiful things in life. 

The blooming of a freesia is believed to be a symbol of platonic love – a love with no romance but just pure and genuine compassion. This is why some folks give these flowers as bouquets to dear friends and family!

In a more philosophical point of view, many say a newly bloomed freesia symbolizes overcoming and moving forward from matters that involve a broken trust. If you’d like a flower to guide you as a daily reminder, then these are perfect for you! These blooms are a reminder that all things – that includes broken trust, heal with time and a newly found strength.

Freesias are also a popular choice of flower to symbolize strong bonds. It’s why these are one of the most popular wedding flowers out there and are a great 7th wedding anniversary bouquet. It is the ultimate flower that represents a bride’s purity and the trust between the couple.

multi colored freesias

Meaning of Freesia Flowers

Freesia blossoms are truly magnificent heralds of very lovely meanings! This popular flower also has an interesting etymological meaning. The most important freesia flower meaning is trust and friendship.

In the Victorian language of flowers, a freesia flower can symbolize trust and friendship. Many say that with a strong foundation of trust and loyal friendship comes a thoughtful heart and open mind. No wonder these flowers grew in the Cape of Good Hope! It’s a beautiful messenger of the culture and traditions of the African tribes!

Other freesia meanings from beliefs include being childish or immature. At a first glance, these flowers do look like little children! But deep within the vibrant color of its petals conveys more intense meanings of faithfulness and fidelity – in the context of love and romance!

Aside from these different meanings, each of the freesia colors have specific meanings. Here’s a list of the different colors of freesias and its meanings.

What does a White Freesia Flower Mean?

Many African natives believe that the meaning behind white Freesias is innocence and purity. They can’t be wrong there because the colors are like the ivory horns of a rhino!

What does a Pink Freesia Blossom Symbolize?

Motherly love is undoubtedly the strongest form of love there is. Many people say that nothing compares to the love of a mother – and that is just what pink Freesias symbolize! It symbolizes motherly love that’s long lasting. 

What does a Purple Freesia Flower Represent?

Purple flowers are the perfect flower that is associated with royal families. A purple freesia flower stands for royalty and beauty.

What does a Red Freesia Floret Indicate?

Red varieties of flowers are one of the most beautiful. Red freesias symbolize passion and determination towards your romantic partner. It’s not just in love but also in thrilling and exciting adventures of life as well!

What does a Yellow Freesia Flower Represent?

Yellow freesias are already well-liked for their soft lemony scent and gorgeous design. It’s no surprise that this yellow flower represents genuine joy and glee!

What is the Cultural Significance of Freesia Flowers?

In the concrete jungle of New York City, these wonderful blooms were the latest floral ornament in 1886. You might think these were placed on the blouses of pretty women but no! These were actually the latest floral decor for men’s boutonnieres! 

In the Victorian era, freesias were given as a symbol of trust and were famously used to send a secret message or a personal message. In the Victorian times this flower was a popular gift to give among friends and loved ones.

Traveling to Hachijojima island in Japan, the popular freesia festival is honored every March.

What are the Folktales Associated with Freesia Blooms?

Freesias grow way taller than Gladioli making it an excellent choice for a cut flower in vases and bouquets! Many folks say these cut flowers are best in bridal bouquets for fidelity! 

According to popular belief, Freesias are best not arranged with Narcissus flowers. Why? Well, floral enthusiasts say it is because this means an untimely and catastrophic demise!

What is the Spiritual Influence of Freesia Flowers?

The essence of a Freesia blossom invigorates a wide sense of spirituality. It broadens the mind’s clarity and focus by transforming negative energies into positive ones and increasing bodily chakra.

In the realm of healing, these flowers are known to promote cleansing. From the healing of abuse to the strengthening of courage, these Freesias will assist one as a guide on the journey. It is a reminder that amidst all life struggles and pains, loving and accepting yourself are the key to peace and happiness. 

What does a Freesia Floral Tattoo Symbolize?

Freesia blossoms upon blooming are just stunning! Choosing this flower for a tattoo design will not only indicate beauty but also wisdom. In short, this is a flower symbolizing both beauty and brains! Alongside being beautiful, a freesia tattoo can also symbolize friendship with your dearest best friend.

Uses of Freesias

A freesia is most popularly cultivated as an ornamental potted or outdoor garden flowering plant. It is disease and pest resistant as well as deer resistant. Although, avoid mixing these flowers with narcissus as its sap is toxic.

Freesias are also a perfect present for babies. You can add freesias in a baby’s present that wishes them a warm welcome into the world. Aside from being great gifts, the flowers also offer condolences during funerals or are given to even co workers in a professional setting. 

A few who know the deep meaning and symbolism behind this use it as a cut flower in bouquets. In fact, it is very popular in wedding bouquets and on flower girls. It’s also the perfect gift for a special someone during gifting occasions. 

Did you know that the flowers are edible and can be eaten raw? In fact, some cuisines enjoy the delicacy of the blossoms that they garnish in fresh salads and cooked dishes for aesthetics. The fresh petals of the flowers are infused with a sugar base syrup to flavor sorbets. What are sorbets? It’s a popular frozen dessert with fruit juice extract – but in this case, Freesia flower extract!

As you already know, aesthetics are not only famous in food. The cosmetic industry also prizes these flowers for their lemony intoxicating fragrance that is non poisonous and can help with stress relief. It is also great for people with sensitive skin.

After the discovery of its lemony scent, florists and cosmeticians adore these. It contains numerous kinds of essential oils and fragrance oils that are added to body lotions and other beauty products.

There is currently no known folkloric or traditional medical use for the Freesias. So, it may be best to appreciate these flowers in delicacies and cosmetic items!

~ image source: depositphotos/[email protected]