Fortunately, Chlorophytum comosum is one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. They require very little attention and are known to be able to withstand most inconsistencies with plant care.
If you want to see your airplane plant not only survive, but flourish into a beautiful and healthy mature plant, understanding how they need to be fertilized is a great start.
With proper fertilization, these plants can grow gorgeous flowers, rich green foliage, and resilient little spider plant babies. Here is everything you need to know about spider plant food!
Best Fertilizer For Spider Plants
Chlorophytum comosum should be fertilized consistently throughout the growing season. In the spring and summer, they can benefit immensely from receiving sufficient amounts of nutrients. Proper fertilization ensures that during the winter months the plant will stay lively and full.
There is no fertilizer made specifically for spider ivy. Using any type of all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer works perfectly. As long as you are not over fertilizing the plant, you should notice growth quickly.
Types of Spider Plant Fertilizer
Spider plants can be fertilized with either liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets. Although liquid is usually the preferred type, both are good options to keep your plant thriving.
Liquid fertilizers will absorb nicely into the soil, but they do require a more consistent routine. Whereas pellets do not absorb into the plant as easily but are extremely low maintenance.

How to Fertilize Airplane Plants
Fertilizing instructions are dependent on which fertilizer you have chosen to use. Either way, your fertilizing schedule should replicate the natural growth cycle of the plant.
If you’re using a liquid fertilizer, feed your airplane plant during the growing season once every two weeks. Under fertilizing is considered better than over fertilizing. Make sure you are not exceeding this amount or the salts may build up and cause damage to your plant’s foliage and/or roots. Airplane plants prefer a fertilizer with a 3-2-1 ratio.
Alternatively, place a slow-releasing pellet into the soil of your spider plant at the beginning of spring and slowly watch it come to life. Pellets only need to be placed into spider ivy once a year.
When should I fertilize my spider plant?
Liquid fertilizers should be used once every two to three weeks in the spring and summer months. Time-release fertilizers only need to be placed once at the beginning of spring. They do not need to be fertilized during fall or winter as the spider plant is in a dormant state.
Do indoor spider plants need fertilizer?
Indoor spider plants do not need to be fertilized to survive. However, if you want to see your plant prosper and thrive, then fertilizing is recommended.
Do spider plants like coffee grounds?
Spider plants do like coffee grounds. Adding a small amount of coffee grounds can help with soil drainage, boost nutrients, and promote growth.
Are eggshells good for spider plants?
Eggshells are another viable natural fertilizer for spider plants. As they slowly decompose, they provide the airplane plant with natural nutrients.
What are the signs of over fertilizing?
An over-fertilized spider plant turns brown at the leaf tips. The foliage can dry out because of salt and mineral build up.
How do you fix an over-fertilized spider plant?
Simply wash your plant with water and increase the time between fertilizing. Additionally, if you think the roots have been damaged, consider repotting your spider plant.
Learn more about spider plant brown tips and spider plant babies.
~ image source: depositphotos/thalabhula